I mentioned in our Week That Was last week that we had been back to the Waterfront for a visit. I hinted at books and signings and Monday Munchies… well here it is!
An invitation on the Pengiun Books Website… and we were there…

Here is the author signing our book:

Here is what he said:

And here is our Celebrity Chef reviewing the book: After a silent morning on the couch, at three hours of intense quiet (I kid you not!) – he announced winsomely: “I have never tried crab before, but then I am not a sea-gull”
Oh this book is totally brilliant!!!
Officially it is a book about cooking in South Africa. Actually it is an “Off the Beaten Track” travel book of Southern Africa packed with photographs and stacked with indoor and outdoor recipes all the way through it. This book embraces the spirit of Africa and if you are looking for a wonderful South African souvenir then you have just found it.
In fact it is like the Dangerous Book for Boys (and Girls): South African Style – not just recipes but a whole lot of other things we want to try – not least is the pizza oven in a dirt bin – now you know how we love pizza and I think this could be a permanent garden feature (we even have the metal bin, though where would we put the garbage?). He also has a “How to make a Worm Farm” – I know this would supplement our Key Hole Garden – if I could just overcome the eeewww factor!
The recipes are fabulous South African fare: Seafood, like West Coast Paella and mussels, traditional food like Bobotie and Blatjang. Yummy – “made on the fire” – breads… Breakfasts to die for, lunches, suppers… indoors and outdoors… All made with great style – relaxed, easy to follow and actually do without being a trained chef!!!
Naturally we needed to try a recipe as soon as we got it! I am dying to try his tin cup breakfast but we needed something to dash on our braai on Saturday and RoosterKoek – braai-bread it was, follow the link for his recipe and this is what we did.
I am so glad he signed our book, because it is totally fabulous, a treasure. We love it!!!
this is very cool! i bet your kids thought it was awesome to meet him! looks very interesting….
Hi M! Totally cool!!! You had better believe it!!! Not the Pioneer Woman… but rugged outdoor cooking at it’s best!!! Looks like Annie had a fabulous birthday!!! Have a great Week!
I am convinced. Methinks I need to go and acquire.
Oh J, Methinks you guys will absolutely love this book!!! Have a good weekend!!