So our weather tree is finally up: Green leaves for sunny days, blue leaves for rainy days.
It’s mid-summer and watermelon season!!!
And we didn’t go to the beach because EVERY one else did!!!
Books were shared:
And supper prepared:
Marshmallows were roasted…
And swimming was done…
And thanks to the surprise benefactors who stayed in a neighboring guest house and couldn’t take their beach towels, boogey boards, beach bats, beach chairs or their fridge full of surprises home on the plane so tossed them on our doorstep as they dashed to the airport!!! How mad is that!!! Loved it!!!
And we celebrated 3 Kings Day with our own version of a crown cake, oh yum:
Endless picnics and the living is easy…
And as for the mother person:
Well our books of the week have to be mine: half way through the middle one of the trilogy and our house had ground to a standstill for the duration…
And this is what the Hoods got up to:
Hood #1: Mastered the bread machine and did some sort of architectural domino thing…
Hood #2: Got comfortable:
Hood #3: Plotted and planned projects and wrote letters to her friends.
Hood #4: And then that tooth finally came out!!!
Hood #5: Did some serious car racing:
Hood #6: Is thrilled with her potential parsley plant…
Hood #7: Took to napping under my chair!!! And organizing her own tea…
And was gifted with her own house from her biggest brothers (no I can never ever bring myself to throw away Sonlight boxes!!!):
Hood #8: Attended his first photography course:
And did his usual oblivious thing:
Otherwise a week of major independence… lots of that whole arm-waving thing, along with watching the laundry… and oblivion…
And that’s us, except for a wild game of hide and seek before bedtime…
Good-Night and Have a Great Week!!!
it seems it’s not only us who always keep cardboard boxes:)
sometimes it’s really hard work to get to an agreement with the kids to get rid of some really, really old and weary boxes used as houses, shops, cars, parks, anything
Hi K, Yes our box situation is desperate… desperate I say!!! Hope you have a lovely day!!!
Love the photo of the Sonlight boxes [smile].
Hay Luke… Impressed you noticed the boxes. Did a quick look around the house and spotted eight Sonlight boxes and that’s before going down stairs to check what is in the garage where I fear we have at least four more!!! The shame of it!!! Hope you are all felling better and your year improves steadily!!!