Marching Onwards and Upwards… And I found some new calendars!!!
- Scholastic has one…
- And KinderArt – who I have loved forever!!!
- And MiKids
-’s Calendar.
- Enchanted Learning.
- Reading Activity Calendar.
- Teacher Vision.
And the usual:
Here is our weekly picture celebrating Hood #8:
That funny father person:
That mother person with the camera:
That funny Father person:
And here are a few links for this week:
- 22 March 2010: World Water Day.
- 23 March 2010: World Meteorological Day.
- 23 March 2010: Ponce De Leon Discovered and Named Florida (1513).
- 23 March 2010: Lewis and Clarke Expedition Began (1806).
- 24 March 2010: Harry Houdini’s Birthday (1874 – 1926).
- 26 March 2010: Robert Frost’s Birthday (1874 – 1963).
- 27 March 2010: National Photography Day (U.S.A).
- 27 March 2010: World Theatre Day.
- 27 March 2010: Earth Hour.
- 28 March 2010: First Washing Machine Patented (1930).
- 29 March 2010: Passover Begins at Sun Down.
- 29 March 2010: Coca Cola was invented (1886).

That’s us – have a great week!!!
P.S. If you did something fun with your kids or made a great link list then pop over and link it up to our Fabulous Friday Fun.
And you are so welcome to join our GiveAway of the Week…
Amazing how many there are! One that I use from time to time is Brittanica’s. The links is Blessings!
Thanks for the link A, Hope you have a great week!!!