It was time to make use of our Wild Card Again. And we have blogged about Silvermine before and I know we will blog about it again… Simply because it is packed with great places to stop and walk or play or picnic and it is about ten minutes drive from home. Not to mention it is pure countryside on the mountain tops in the middle of Cape town…
Here is a photograph of “Ou Kaapse Weg” or “Old Kaapse Beth” as my kids call it… It is a road that cuts through the reserve and takes you from the the City Center down to the South Peninsula…
Every time we drive this road someone points out the waterfall. The photo was taken as we traveled along at speed. So there in the blur on the left is a place we have wanted to explore for a long long time.
So we decided to explore now before the winter rains came and the water falling was foaming and frothing… We headed out…
We plotted our route.
We made sure we had a snack.
And we hit the open road.
There were flowers everywhere.
There were interesting and winding paths everywhere:
And wandering kids all over the show.
Not to mention dogs… heaps and heaps of dogs and my kids are terrified of dogs – A tale for another day… so hands were held very tightly.
It was quite easy to feel on top of the world.
And then we came to the waterfall…
What can I say it was a whole lot bigger in real life than it looked like from the road and I am very glad my kids had a healthy respect for that waterless waterfall!!!
Then we had to catch up with each other (little people didn’t go near the waterfall).
And we regrouped on top of a rock for a picnic…
All above the “dog line”… where one very very short person was heard to say: “I have just had it with dogs.”
And from the saftey of our rock we were able to say hi to fellow explorers passing by…
That’s us. Another Saturday and another adventure… We had a great time wandering through the wilds…
you live in such a beautiful place.
dogs? meaning, owners walking their dogs, or just wild dogs running all over?
that was quite a (waterless) waterfall…lunch spot!
Good question D, I mean dogs and their owners going for walks… multitudes if them!!! We will definitely have to choose a less “dog walking” time of day next time!!!