Kiddable Cheese Cake in Se7en Steps…

Well last week was “Blueberry Cheesecake Day” – I kid you not!!! There really is a day for everything. A couple of weeks ago I posted a cheesecake recipe that was just wonderful. But I needed something easy my kids could make – because lets face it making a cheesecake is a life skill worth learning… So this is what you are aiming for:


Let’s Meet The Players: For the crust: DSC_0080

  • A Packet of Tennis Biscuits.
  • 150 g of butter.

For the Filling:


  • About 200 g of marshmallows… I try and buy white ones, but if they only have pink and white ones then you will get a pale pink cake!!!
  • 50 g of butter
  • one tub of cream (250ml)
  • one tub of cream cheese (250ml)

Let’s Play the Game:


  1. Gently melt your butter on a low heat.
  2. DSC_0081DSC_0082DSC_0086

  3. Pop the packet of biscuits into your food processor, we don’t have one, but the blender works just as well, to get crumbs.
  4. DSC_0087DSC_0088DSC_0089

  5. Pour your bread crumbs into the melted butter and mix together. Pop it into a greased spring form baking pan. And flatten your biscuit crumb mixture. Pop it into the fridge to cool and get solid while you make the filling.
  6. DSC_0093DSC_0095 DSC_0098DSC_0099DSC_0100

  7. For the filling pop the marshmallows and butter into a pot on low heat and let them gently melt together. Then stir in half the cream cheese. Leave your mixture to cool for quite a while – at least ten minutes.


  8. While your marshmallow mixture is cooling, whip the cream until it is stiff. Add the rest of the cream cheese to the whipped cream and gently mix it together. Then fold it into the marshmallow mixture.


  9. Pour your filling into your pie pan. And leave it to cool in the fridge for a couple of hours. We usually leave it overnight.


  10. In the morning it is good to go. Pop it out of the pie pan and you are done. We had ours for breakfast… you needn’t!!! But it certainly set the tone for a happy day!!!

That’s it!!! I wrote this post specially for our friend in New Zealand, who came to visit us recently and bought us yummy pineapple lumps. Have a fun weekend!!!


13 Replies to “Kiddable Cheese Cake in Se7en Steps…”

  1. Sigh. I wish I could figure out how to convert your measurements to American measurements. You wouldn’t think it would be too hard for a homeschooling Mom : 0 …don’t tell my kids. Then again, I could get a gram scale… : )

  2. Hi Phyllis – for you I am seeking a widget!!! So the cream and the cream cheese are about a cup. 200 g are about 7 oz. and 150 ml of butter is about 2/3 of a cup… hope this helps in a crazy chaotic sort of way!!! Hope you are all having a fun weekend!!!

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