Se7en+1 things of kids and summer:

Lilla A is a brilliant blog full of heaps of eye candy… she has the most exquisite kids craft exhibitions, just pop over to her blog and scroll down the right hand side to see them… kids crafts gathered from all around the world and placed in an exhibition on her blog… too wonderful for words. Her family has just got back from three whole weeks of summer holiday in the countryside in Finland and she certainly knows all about kids and summer right now!!!
- running barefoot in the grass
- picking wild strawberries in the fields
- going horseback riding
- eating icecream
- going on a mushroom hunt in the forest, and having a picnic on top of a rock
- watching the tractors work
- going fishing and not necessarily catch anything
- picking all the flowers you can find
And the Se7en + 1th Thing…

Thank you Lilla A, on the far side of the world, for your wonderfully inspiring blog and your brilliant list of summer…
Thank you for having us!
Oh Lilla a The pleasure was all ours – have a fabulous day!!!
Can’t wait to check LILLA out!
Oh KM – You will love Lilla A… Go and click on her galleries, trust me you will love the kids art delight there!!! Have a lovely day!!!