Sunday Snippet: Joseph The Dream Interpreter… A GiveAway…

Helen Clark has written a Series for Day One Publications called “Pocket Bible People” and they are fantastic… I have blogged about them all before:

Well there is a new book out in this series, Joseph, The Dream Interpreter, and it is just as fantastic as the previous books in the series:


In this series the author takes characters from the Bible that we know well and then provides insights and facts that you can hang onto the knowledge that you already have. Every body knows the story of Joseph and his brothers, his special coat, his trip to Egypt… and ultimately the dramatic reuniting of his family. But how does it all relate to my life a couple of thousand years later… and thats where these books come into their own!!!

So here you go se7en things I love about this book:

  1. The chapters are short, written in little bites and easy for anyone, and especially a young teen to read and enjoy. The style is very conversational, there is no deep theological discussion ready to bore the reader to death… just here is the story, you may not have understood these words and let me explain.
  2. While the chapters are short and easy to read they are definitely not pithy little thoughts! The text is scattered with examples from the authors life, they are applicable and not at all superficial. I like that she doesn’t talk down to the reader, neither does she expect too much from the reader, she just writes about it as it is.
  3. It is lightly illustrated, just enough to keep the readers reading, but not so much as to distract.
  4. Each chapter ends with a “Think Tank” – A couple of things to think about regarding the passage and an opportunity to dig a little deeper. Questions that require a little thought and application, for example: “Who else in the Bible, when accused of something he didn’t do, just remained silent and didn’t defend himself?”
  5. I like that the author doesn’t gloss over tricky issues – she does not ignore the fact that Potiphar’s wife went out of her way to tempt Joseph, she literally threw herself at him and yet he resisted. She doesn’t gloss over his temptation as any old temptation, she calls it was it is and provides key lessons to help, should your teen find themselves in a similar situation.
  6. Sections of the story that are longer are summarized and outlined a bit more… the whole point is to understand the story for what it is. Not just understand the story but to meet Joseph as a real person not an ancient name in distant times, but someone with a real life and issues to deal with and problems to cope with.
  7. She doesn’t gloss over Joseph’s failings either. Joseph, like most biblical characters had his faults and he had to go through a fair bit of refining before God could use him to rescue the Israelites from the famine in their own land. The author doesn’t say these terrible things happened to Joseph and yet he prevailed… God allowed these things to happen and showered Joseph with his protection and love and enabled him to be in the right place at the right time ready to serve and help his fellow Israelites.
  8. And the Se7en + 1th thing…

  9. This book is quick and easy reading and perfect for a teen Bible Study – on their own or in a group. Keeping in mind that most young teens I know are happy to do Bible Study if the topic is relevant and even more so if the books they are using are attractive and easy to use.

I have a copy of this book to GiveAway and this GiveAway works in the usual way, comment before the end of this coming Sunday, 1 April 2012, and we will draw and publish the winners next week! – I won’t respond to your comments as I do on our other posts because I don’t want to be included in our own giveaway.

As usual I have to thank CBD, our GiveAway book suppliers of more great books.


Our GiveAways are open to everyone: If you have won a GiveAway before never fear – enter away. If you live on the far side of the world – enter away. Postage takes forever from here but eventually it should get to you! Good luck and get commenting!!!

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19 Replies to “Sunday Snippet: Joseph The Dream Interpreter… A GiveAway…”

  1. These books look great, I’d love the chance to check one out. Thanks for the opportunity:)

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