Indeed we have been boxed… To “be boxed” is the Sonlighter’s term for the day that your school books arrive in their boxes… And let me say as mad and crazy Sonlight fans it is one of the most exciting days of any year. This year for all sorts of reasons we ordered our books much later than usual… well lets just say waiting makes the reward a whole lot sweeter.

The Fedex guys just laughed… when they saw the boxes fly up the stairs… They said, “No-one ever asks for help with those boxes!!!”

I thought I would sneak a peak in the boxes when everyone was asleep…

I think I may have left a little packaging evidence… Not to mention piles of new books…

Tons of lovely new books…

And some eager little folk leapt up the next morning… gathering papers…

To make our annual snail…

I wasn’t the only one who couldn’t resist!!!

When you open the boxes there is never anything to see:

Except lots and lots of packaging!!! But underneath the packaging… heaps of wonderful books…

And boxes… useful looking Sonlight boxes linger about the house for about five seconds and then they are absorbed as part of the decor…

And these are the cores/grades we are doing this year:

And when I see how much work is jammed into those files… I always feel somewhat intimidated… but the kids couldn’t wait to get in there and just get started!!!

Normally I take a couple of days to sort our files…

But my kids were that desperate to start school… and I think I may have passed that job onto a future generation!!!

There were a few things we really loved about this order…
- New and fabulous maps: They fit into their files… My grade 7 student was a bit miffed that his year did not have this new improvement!!!
- Summer Readers: My kids are only allowed to read books that they have read in the past… no reading ahead in their year ever, else they would quite easily inhale a years school books in a flash… So summer readers eased the pain of a whole lot of fresh books that they aren’t allowed to dive into immediately!!! And they had a whole fresh collection of loveliness to absorb on box day!!!
- Core Tips: For years I have spent Sunday evening browsing the web for useful links and fun things to print out and look at for school during the following week… well those days are over and for the younger grades heaps of links organised week by week arrive in a useful format!!! Lovely!!!

Otherwise science kits… for everyone…

And when the young scientist who will be dissecting these discovered them he just about died!!! This may well be the year that the father person gets really involved in hands-on home schooling!!!

While we are getting on with school … you are welcome to take a peak at previous years’ box days: Se7en have been boxed 2011 and Se7en have been boxed 2010:

And just at this moment we still have a pile of empty Sonlight boxes to play in, but I know they won’t be lying around for long!!!
Ok, so i hope this isn’t rude to ask- but you are seriously doing 6 (!!) sonlight cores this year?!? I want, sooooo badly to love Sonlight… but I find it so overwhelming! how do you manage to not lose your mind using so many cores?!?
what excitement!!
Is there anything better than the smell and feel of crisp new books?
Lovely to read about your exciting arrivals. I am wondering if you get to reuse a lot of the books you order? For example, did you need to order much for your K student? I assumed that as the years went by with Sonlight it would only be necessary to order for the oldest students, while younger ones used the books the older ones had used previously. What have you found?
I always love your Box Day posts because you have so many great pictures and encouraging things to say [smile]. Happy Box Day!
What a great day! We are starting Week 4, and having everyone in their own separate core is going well. Yea! Have fun. 🙂 Lillian
Hay Rebecca, We have written a couple of posts about how we homeschool and everyone has their own core… it really works well for us. And I guess after years of my kids schooling away we are in the flow of it. I think the most overwhelming thing that folks find about Sonlight is “All that reading” and I tackled that in this post… If you scroll to the bottom of this page you will find answers to questions about how we do a number of cores all at once!!! And as for my mind… I am hoping to gather it up about fifteen years from now when my youngest leaves home… maybe not!!! Hopefully by then I will have Grand-Kids to keep me from catching my mind!!!
Aunty Muffin… Everyone is thrilled and working away!!! It is lovely!!!
Domestic Goddesque, I am so with you… new shiny books that slip and slide and smell so good!!! Wonderful!!! Have to say our school library is growing and growing!!! Hope you have a fabulous week!!!
Sherrin, We do use heaps of our cores from child to child… So really we only buy the books we need for our first born. Sonlight does upgrade slightly a book or two from year to year… you needn’t upgrade of course and just use your core from year to year with subsequent children. But since I will be reading all these books eight times I prefer to buy the tweaks and little upgrades each time… Even I enjoy a touch of variety!!! I think if I had one or two kids I probably wouldn’t bother… but it is a dream of mine to collect the Sonlight library… so each year we are just adding to the collection… with one or two new books for the earlier grades. Great question and I hope you have a great week!!!
Oh Luke!!! We love our Box Days… I could go on more about how happy we are and post more photos, but folks might not believe just how excited our family is about all things to do with school and Sonlight of course!!!
Hay Lillian… We finally ordered books and finally A Box Day Post for you… we are deep into week 2 and loving it… who knew that as the boxes landed my kids would dive in and I for one am not holding them back!!! Good times!!! It really does work to have everyone doing their own cores!!! Hope you all have a great week!!!
So great seeing all that excitement over school books. We just had our first box day and we are all so excited for our first day and getting to dive into all these amazing books.
I get so excited when I see the photos of the boxes!! Books…YAY!
Hi Caitlin, Oh I am so glad your books arrived… what a load of fun!!!
I am with you Kim… New books AAAH!!! How very lovely is that, what a privilege!!! Hope you have a fun weekend!!!