It’s Sunday evening again and our weeks have been flying by… Living life to the max… where the max means lazy walks on the beach – because these stunning summer days can’t last forever!!!

In other news, we have entered the world of real blogging… and we have the cutest business cards from Moo. Clearly I need some training still, I have been to two media events and left the cards at home both times… just too cute to share!!!

Here are some lovely links from this week:
- I am always so excited about the outdoor play posts on: Let the Children Play: Greening the Man Made Outdoors – Parts 1. here’s another one: Handy Ideas for Storing Loose Parts for Play.
- Love and adored this bedroom for boys that I spotted on Apartment Therapy this week, so cool that I had to pop over and see the real thing on Assortment Blog… Head straight overt there there is so, so very much to love!!!
- Craft Schooling Sunday is Back after a break, lots of loveliness as usual…
- If you follow Simple HomeSchool then you would have been reading dozens of inspiring “Homeschool Day in the Life”… well homeschool blogging friends, this is your week to write your own day in the life post and link it up on Friday – over at Simple Homeschool.
- How can you resist a Tiger story… look at all these delightful Tigers on Kidstylefile this week!!!
- Take a trip to the Food Blogger Indaba’s Website… and see all the loveliness that is the SA Food and Wine Blogger Indaba.
- And because I am especially and exceptionally friendly… I am showing you this competition… Sweet Tweet: Win with #MyApron, Le Quartier Français and Le Creuset
- A Blast From the Past: And here are a couple of links to posts, this week, from previous years:
And the se7en + 1th link:
That’s us… Hope your weekend is a fabulous one!!!
Love all the craft ideas – so going to do those jelly tot hearts!
Brilliant Cat, so glad you enjoyed them!!! Hope you have a great valentines day filled with hearts!!!