A couple of weeks back I took a group of kids for a walk in a pristine part of our favourite hiking spot… Cape Point, in Table Mountain National Park.

It was one of those perfectly beautiful days, in a protected area, which means that it really isn’t frequented by a lot of visitors and it was glorious. Never have we seen the Atlantic ocean quite so calm… it was a truly memorable day. There was one problem… when folk say that the amount of garbage in our oceans is detrimental to life on our planet they aren’t kidding… there was too much garbage for us to carry off the beach.

So we decided to return later in the week and do a beach clean-up. With my friendly beach clean up warriors we ventured down to the beach again…

Watching the WildLife
Since we were in the nature reserve we did do a spot of exploring and wild life watching at first, as one does…

And this is our year to learn about birds…

So let’s start there…

Also its been a year since the massive fires… and it is interesting to see how that area is re-greening…

And all the fresh fynbos is an invitation for the local wildlife to have a feast…

And let’s not for get our friends the bontebok…

Through fields of restios…

On to the Beach

It’s quite a hike into the area where we were going to clean up…

Someone was watching us all the way…

And the treasures made this so worthwhile…

From the dunes to the sea there was plenty to pick up, some things we couldn’t even carry…

Finally we got to the wreck…

And began cleaning up…

And then we carried our curious collection out… most of the stuff on these isolated beaches are things discarded by passing ships… not as much icky rubbish as on populated beaches… tons of plastic bottles, jerry cans and masses of bottle caps… and then a laundry basket (that’s a first for us) and always a toothbrush or two and of course, an odd shoe.

Leave only Footprints
It was pretty cool to walk into a protected area, and where they always say leave only footprints, take only photographs, well we took a load of junk too.

Beach Clean ups are fun, wholesome work… and there is always something to pick up on any beach. We highly recommend that you always take a bag for collecting your garbage… so that you won’t have to hike your hike twice… unless of course you need an excuse to return!!!

That’s us… Have a fabulous fun weekend!!!

You guys are alround great.
Thanks Cassey, Can’t wait to meet you later on today!!!
Well done!
Thanks Cassey, It was lovely to connect with you at the Meet up… hope you have a fantastic week!!!
Thanks dvs, hope you have the most fantastic week!!!
This is brilliant. Were you able to recycle anything? That rope would be amazing, but I suspect you already have your share of retrieved rope from previous beach clear ups. I wish we could join you. I will try and remember an extra bag next time we go to a beach.
Oh Cheryl, that’s the best part… there is always a certain amount of retrieval. We have, over the years, collected a strange assortment of treasures and the rope was indeed a keeper!!! Hope you are having a good week!!!