September is birthday season, and suddenly we are the parents of a twenty-one year old… I can’t even imagine where the time went…

Happy Brilliant Birthday to our first born… I cannot imagine life without him and time sure flies, because it really feels as if it was just yesterday that this lad rushed into the world with a sparkle in his eye…

I blinked and you were fourteen, I blinked again and you were twenty one…

It has been a crazy, funny lively, journey…

Wouldn’t change any of these moments… with the kid who had big dreams and hardly ever had his feet on the floor…

The lad who wore a hat, whenever and wherever…

And a fantastic story teller…

Always ready for an adventure…

Love you to the moon…

And beyond…

Previous Birthday Posts
- It’s Birthday Season and Hood #1 had a Birthday… 2017
- There is a Birthday in the House… Happy Birthday to Hood 1… 2016.
- There is a Birthday in the House… Happy Birthday to Hood #1 – 2015
- Happy Brilliant Birthday to Hood #1…2014
- Happy Birthday to Hood #1 – 2013
- Happy Birthday to Hood #1 – 2012
- Happy Brilliant Birthday Hood #1 – 2011
- Happy Birthday to Hood #1 – 2010
- Happy Birthday to Hood #1 – 2009
- Happy Birthday Hood #1 and an Interview… 2008.
That baby photo!
Happy birthday to your firstborn.
I know Debbie… that hairdo is everything!!! Crazy, fun kid… right from the start!!!
And happy happy birthday to you too!! Believe it or not, you’ve inspired me to start exercising so I am a regular park runner as well xx
Hay Sid… It truly has been the busy season over here… Always good to hear from you, and well done on your Parkrunning!!! That’s fantastic… wishing you birthday greetings from the gang for next week… fun times!!!