New Years and New Adventures await… we just wanted to pause in the middle of our Summer Break and say Happy holidays to all our family, friends and followers… hope you have enjoyed this holiday season and that you are looking forward to 2020 with boundless enthusiasm…

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It was a year of the best of times and the worst of times and absolutely everything in-between… I am so looking forward to 2020 and new beginnings and new adventures. Somehow we have become a running family and our calendar is already packed with races and adventures throughout the year… its going to be another busy year. Busy is good, I’ll take it!!!

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Over the Holidays…


Our Natural Factual Advent Calendar was in full swing over on Instagram…
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We made our first ever gingerbread house, it did turn out more like an ancient ruin, but we were happy with it and we may have inadvertently begun a new tradition…
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Otherwise, summertime has been in full swing… so granadilla pops and beach swims, evening ambles and watermelon. Piles and piles of books have been read and the great New Year Project: “Let’s sort the Entire House Out – Again…” Is back in full swing. So fun times for sure… Meanwhile,


As for the Hoods

Hood 1 Birthday

Hood 1: Finished his honours degree and is heading out into the working world… but more important than all that it’s less than a month till his wedding day… and I am so excited for that for him and his fiancé, a whole new chapter of life.


Hood 2: Finished his first year of College and is ready to carry onwards and upwards. Computering and Soft-wareing his way through life in his free time.


Hood 3: Finished school, while volunteering at the Aquarium, and is moving on to College… and yes, how crazy is it to have a school with only five students in it next year!!!


Hood 4: Volunteered his year through the Aquarium, and ran his socks off, but his highlight has to be ten days away on the far side of the world, traveling in Kazakstan.

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Hood 5: Took to cycling and paddling and running and all sorts of sporty things, as well as spending a massive amount of his year doing online learning.

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Hood 6: Heads into High School this year… (yes, still homeschooling… but it is high school), and possibly spent more hours working through her school year than any of the other students in our home!!!

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Hood 7: Loves writing and running, if she isn’t trying to conquer everyone at the Parkrun, then she spends her days creating mini-worlds with words, and writing endless sagas.


Hood 8: Breezed through not one, but two years worth of school without realising it, simply reading his way through the school bookshelves. The main focus of every day is really just playing… games, drawing, exploring… he is curious about everything and not a single topic goes unexplored…

Previous Years…

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The Year That Was… 2018

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The Year That Was… 2017

Photo Credit to Marike Herselman Photography
The Year That Was… 2016

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The Year That Was… 2015

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The Year That Was… 2014


The Year That Was… 2013


The Year That Was… 2012


The Year That Was… 2011


The Year That Was… 2010


The Year That Was… 2009

all of us!

The Year That Was… 2008

4 Replies to “The Year That Was 2019…”

  1. Hey Marcia, I know… how cute were they… I literally gasped when I saw those photos… how even were they so small, and I thought they were all so big!!! Wishing you ALL the very best for 2020… loads of love from the gang!!!

  2. Catching up on blog posts way behind time! Do love the little snippets of each Hood, particularly Hood 4, hadn’t realised he travelled! and your scholars, go kids! and can’t believe your oldest girl has graduated but then I should of as she is the same age as my new graduate.

  3. Hay Erin, so I was off to a great start of the year until my computer literally exploded and what with one thing and another and a great big family wedding… blogging simply fell away. It has been a good break and I am ready to get back at it this week!!! Hope you all had a lovely weekend!!!

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