For the last few years we have been posting our Natural Factual Advent Calendar on instagram, show casing goodies we had discovered over that past year on our outdoor adventures. This year has been different, we certainly haven’t collected a lot of treasures and our adventuring has been a lot closer to home… in general. So it is time to up my game, time for a little change and time to slow down, during this extremely busy season and spend just a moment everyday enjoying and appreciating our natural environment.

But Christmas traditions are Christmas traditions… and we wanted to create some sort of an Advent Adventure for our family, so I have popped 24 ideas into a jar and we will be pulling an idea out of the jar every day… as we head towards Christmas Day. As well as a few extra Christmas goodies that we have to do… cookie baking, Carol Singing and gift-making.

1. Se7en Easy Summer Adventures from Home

2. Natural Factual Crafts

3. Gift Wrapping Goodies

4. Create Natural Factual Gifts

5. Outdoor Feasts

6. Summer Outings that Must be Done
So six groups of four ideas leads you up to twenty four days towards Christmas. Meanwhile this is the most crazy season for all the mother people… and so you need to take special care of yourself… I mean it… in all the craziness there is often just no time left for the mom in the house. From creating special meals, coping with all the extra work of everyone else’s activities, moms can really get lost in the mix… so here is a list of ideas for finding some easy Me time for Moms… in this busy season.