It’s Earth Day, all over the world and that’s a day I can totally get behind and celebrate…
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Today I have written a blog post with The Beach Co-Op…


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The post on The Beach Co-Op website is all about using my open water swims to raise funds for organizations that are doing all the hard work. My kids and I have been cleaning beaches with the Beach Co-op for years and years, and it came to me that essentially I was raising my kids to be garbage collectors. Not a bad thing, since the ocean is full of garbage, but could we not have folk become more responsible for their own garbage and so stop the problem before it even lands on the beach. I cannot begin to tell you how many buckets of cigarette stompies we have collected together, let alone bottle tops, plastic soda bottles, crisp packets… the list really does go on and on.
It is not enough just to clean beaches, to protect the ocean, one needs to educate people about littering… and tackle the garbage problem in the ocean, before the problem even gets to the ocean. I realised that a lot of organizations are teaching kids to love and protect the ocean, a lot of organizations are working on educating folk about the ocean. I have been participating in Open Water Events for the last few years and realised that I could support these organisations through swimming… caring for the ocean and swimming at the same time… two of my passions connected.
This Succesful Given Gain Campaign has Closed… I have a new one planned for 2022.
Read about how I use the GivenGain platform to raise funds, with my swimming… While I use the GivenGain platform to raise funds for swimming, all the funds that I raise go directly to the organisations that I sponsor, and so I realized that I need to raise funds to support my swimming. Until now I have with the help of very kind friends, been able to grow my swimming campaigns, but swimming gear costs money, coaching costs money, not to mention event entries and support crew on the day really cost a lot of money. So I started a Buy Me A Coffee page… basically a page where I post about my adventures and hopefully folk will follow along and donate a $5 cup of coffee, towards my next swimming event. You can take a look at my Buy Me a Coffee Page here.

Buy Me a Coffee


Se7en Previous Earth Day Posts

  1. Some Earth Day At Home Inspiration… Gardening Books for the Win…
  2. It’s Earth Day and We Have Three Questions for you…
  3. Earth Day, and Life a Year After a Trip to Zambia…
  4. Let’s Celebrate Earth Day: Se7en + 1 Easy Changes to Make…
  5. Sunday Snippet: Earth Day…And Treasures From Heaven…
  6. Happy Earth Day… A Crafty Round-Up…
  7. Se7en’s Bark Art Boats and Beasts, An Earth Day Challenge…

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