Sunday Snippet Sunday Snippet: When Things Are Tight… Posted on 29 April 201329 April 2013 by se7en It is the end of the month and the fruit bowl is a little lean… The laundry is piling up like nobody’s business and you…
Sunday Snippet Sunday Snippet: Many a True Word Can Be Said in Prayer… Posted on 23 July 201223 July 2012 by se7en There is this idea that when we pray for our children it should be in a solitary place at the end of the day as…
Sunday Snippet Sunday Snippet: Our Friends Amongst The Rendille… Posted on 24 February 200924 February 2009 by se7en These are our friends: Grant and Loutjie, and their two little girls Abigail and Caitlyn. They have a website here, where you can meet them…
Sunday Snippet Sunday Snippet: Bible Reading in a Year… Posted on 29 December 200829 December 2008 by se7en So it is that resolution time of year – again. Where we get all caught up in good ideas for quiet times and over ambitious…
Sunday Snippet Sunday Snippet: Online World tour with SIM. Posted on 10 November 200810 November 2008 by se7en SIM (Serving in Mission) is an international mission organization that serves people throughout the world, particularly in Asia, Africa and South America. And they have…
Sunday Snippet Sunday Snippet: God and Me – A Review. Posted on 2 November 20082 November 2008 by se7en My little kids absolutely love this book: This is a page a day devotional for little kids. There is a short thought for the day,…
Sunday Snippet Sunday Snippet: Round the World Dash. Posted on 26 October 200831 October 2008 by se7en I recently did a Virtual Round the World Dash with a group of kids and these activity sheets were the perfect fit… Wycliffe Fun Facts…