A Red Hot Chilli Party in Se7en Steps…

When you have a child who has been begging for a chilli party for the last 365 days. And I mean begging. The more I gently suggested any alternative topic the more “chilli” was requested, I had to come up with a party. At first I was a bit intimated by the theme but a little bit of thought and it was really quite easy. Here it is:


Following the outline of se7en steps to a great party on our practical party page lets get going (If you need details on how to do something then follow the link for that particular step):

Step 1: Invitation: Invitations are easy, you need red and green craft paper and off you go. Make a chilli and just write your party details along the chilli.


Step 2: Party Starter: For a party starter we planted some chilli seeds in egg cartons… and took them home to grow.



Step 3: Party Games: Any hot games will do!!! For us we played pass the parcel with a “Hot Chilli Pinata,” which I explain how to make below in Step 5. As long as the the music was playing we passed and as soon as it stopped whoever had it got the chance to peel a layer… and share out any prizes they came across.


Step 4: Party Craft: You might wrack your brains for a party craft but here you go with Felt Taco’s in Se7en Steps…



Step 5: Party Pinata: A chilli party in the middle of winter means it is a bit hard to get a regular pinata to air dry. So we made a chilli parcel as our pinata. Gather up a couple of prizes, we had some red hot pens, a notebook for everyone and a “big” prize of a play-dough pack. Wrap up the main prize and then keep wrapping layers of newspaper and prizes until you have a large chilli shaped package. Wrap your last layer as red tissue paper and a layer of leafy green around the top. Cut a couple of “leaves” into the green.


You are done… and one happy birthday boy!!!


Step 6: Party Food: This was possibly the easiest party food to prepare, without heaps of sugar content:

  • Chilli Poppers:


  • Wraps with chilli’s of course: These are great to serve to kids because you chop and slice all sorts of goodies and then kids pick and choose what they want to put inside their own wrap… generally they eat what they make and for the ultra fussy they will be able to find something to put inside their wrap.


  • Finally the cake: An ice-cream cake of course!!! Leave the ice-cream on the counter to soften. Spoon the ice-cream into the shape of a chilli pepper. Pop your chilli shape into the freezer to harden. Whip a tub of cream and split it into two batches – use food coloring for a batch of red and a batch of green. “Ice” your cake with cream and pop it back into the freezer to set. Remember you are not after perfection, an approximation is good enough, really!!!


    And there you go one chilli cake, ready for candles…


Step 7: Treasure Hunt: Finally the treasure hunt and we played “Hot and Cold” round the garden until they discovered the loot, which were chilli flavored corn crisps. It really doesn’t get easier than that!


That’s it – A Hot Chilli Party, who would have thought – Have Fun!

4 Replies to “A Red Hot Chilli Party in Se7en Steps…”

  1. Hi M, again!!! I will take this comment and put it in my pocket for the weekend… Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting!!! I hope you have a lovely “restful” weekend with your babies!!!

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