My sweet family knew I was definitely not up to a walk on the beach this week, so we headed out for a drive down the Cape Peninsula and a bit of a whale hunt.
False Bay is one of the best places in the world to casually view Southern Right Whales – we are spoilt I know!!!
Anyway we did see a couple of whales but they weren’t very photogenic and certainly didn’t make a blog post. So just follow us and see what we saw. This is looking down to Cape Point:

And here are a couple of locals – I see even they have managed to have their babies!!!
There was even managed a family photo…

On we went, thinking we could pop into Cape Point Nature Reserve and drive down to the actual point. It is supposed to be Free Week at South African National Parks, but what they meant was free before 11 in the morning…

Needless to say a quick glance at the price board meant that we turned around and kept moving on around the Peninsula. (R75 for adults, R10 for kids… R220. for an afternoon drive is just a bit steep.)

We had a look all rows and rows of African artifacts. Carvings, shells, and so on.

And then we had a look at the Ostrich Farm.
These birds are surrounded by Proteas:

And we saw a couple of very noisy Hadida’s these are the noisiest birds on the block – they sound just like their name… And my musical children spent the rest of the trip singing: “Let me take me to the Hadidah…” instead of “Mardi Gras.”

On we went…
And more sculpture:

On past Scarborough, Misty Cliffs and towards Kommetjie…
Past Slangkop lighthouse, the one homeschool outing we get invited to often – “Wouldn’t we like to join the tour?” Actually the thought of climbing 200 million stairs in an enclosed space with se7en children would be a resounding “No Thank-you.” Pregnant or not!
And through Kommetjie and a small detour past the ice-cream shop in Kalk Bay – not exactly on the route – I know!!! But some of us have needs!!!
So that’s a bit of our world!!! Hope you have a great weekend!
wow beautiful!!
Hi G, Thanks for stopping by! We sure do live in a beautiful part of the world!!!
Finally admist packing and stress of preparing house for visitors your post got me a lot more excited as we fly for 2 whole months of Cape Town and Hermanus starting from Sept 23rd!
Nothing like the Cape!
Hi K, That sounds fantastic!!! Hopefully you could see through the stress and a little bit of what you will enjoy!!! Take it easy with that little babe of yours!
These gorgeous photos make me homesick!! It’s been rainy and gloomy here for a week now – seeing the sun & blue skies does my heart good. 🙂
Hi L, Yup blue skies, blue seas, whales and wide open spaces sure makes living in Cape Town worthwhile!!! Nice to hear from you again!!!