Thank-You All!!! I cannot believe how many of you stopped by and wished us all the best – I loved reading through all your comments!!! And you went to so much trouble to say such nice things!!! I thought I would reward you all with a couple of pictures of life with a newborn…
Together we have held him…

Some of you unlurked! You traveled from far and wide! Yes Debbie you predicted the date!!! Yes Sue I called the father person as you were leaving and said: “Don’t be late home from work…”
His parents have held him…
And to all of you who think we are awesomely and wonderfully blessed – you are so right!!! Eight healthy babies born safely and soundly into our hearts and arms… We are truly blessed and grateful to Our Father In Heaven… And I have to say not a lot of you should go into gender prediction as a career!!!
His big brothers and sisters have smothered him in kisses and pokes and cuddles and hugs… and they have all held him…
There is a lot of holding going on in our house at the moment!!!
Really guys this post is just a big blog thank-you for all the welcoming, prayers and love for Hood #8…
And yes I will tell you the whole story of his arrival… but getting to a keyboard is kind of secondary when I have this sweet bundle to hold!!!
rather late than never (congratulated your hubby over at FB) – CONGRATS!!!!!!!! He is gorgeous! I see you’ve become se7en +1 🙂 Will it be se7en + 2 in future – or always se7en (now ei8ht)?
Enjoy the cuddles!
Awwwwwwww beautiful pics. he is such a beautiful boy!
i am so very very very broody now.
Thank-you for sharing him with us! you are incredibly blessed.
May the holding continue ;-D
Glorious photos of ALL of you!!! What a special time… enjoy every single priceless moment. :):)
He is so adorable and precious. I so can’t wait to hold my little bundle too. Can’t wait to hear the birthstory. Beautiful family!
Yes he is gorgeous…. really does make me feel rather broody.
What wealth. You are a beautiful, rich family, and all of us have been BLESSED knowing you. Wishing you lots of joy in the new love affair! Loved the pictures!!
How beautiful. Looking at the photos has made me a little teary. I am expecting our #7 but it will be awhile before we get to the ‘holding’ stage….
Blessings to you and your family.
love the pictures, thank you for sharing them.He is a gorgerous little boy. What a beautiful family you have. I like the saying ‘My greatest blessings call me Mommy’….and I know you would agree with that one. 🙂
What a chunk! Look at those cheeks!
He is gorgeous! Enjoy him! You have forever to tell us the story! Don’t worry about putting him down to do it! Your family is truly blessed!
He is so beautiful!! So very happy for you and wishing we could zip over to hold him too! I’m sure my parents have said this already, but all of us here are extremely excited that he’s arrived. 🙂 We love you all!!
Ooh, he is so darling. What a sweet face. I love seeing each photo. Your family is beautiful and I am eagerly anticipating the birth story!
oh wow, he is just beautiful! Congratulations! So, what are you going to call the blog now???
Jenny in Ca
The love flowing in your household is tangible! He IS a little prince! Give him a little squeeze and a big kiss from me. …also soooo keen for another treasure ,please keep us in your prayers. Thank you for this blog and the heaps of inspiration you (all TENof you) pour out to all of us…the fans. May the Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious unto you…