I know I need to pop a calendar post in before the week is out – but I am having so much fun with all our Celebrity lists!!! Don’t forget to enter this weeks GiveAway… Really Friday is the last day to enter!!!
Firstly, here is our the Calendar Collection:
- Scholastic.
- KinderArt.
- About.com’s Calendar.
- Crayola.com
- Enchanted Learning.
- Reading Activity Calendar.
- Teacher Vision.
Here is our weekly picture celebrating Hood #8,
And these are the days we will be looking at this week:
- 7 July: Pinocchio first printed (1883).
- 7 July: Macaroni Day.
- You know how we love Jamie, here is his take on Macaroni Cheese.
- Perfect Pasta in Se7en Steps.
- Dying pasta from Tutu’s and Turtles.
- We have to make some macaroni monsters from Family Fun.
- Cute macaroni skeleton from Kaboose.
- Cute sheep from Family Corner.
- Skip to My Lou made some wonderfully colorful Pasta – Oh take a look!!!
- 7 July: Star Festival Day (Japan)
- 8 July: Liberty Bell Cracks.
- Liberty Bell timeline from USHistory.org
- The Story of the Liberty Bell from USHistory
- Liberty Bell FAQ from the Liberty Bell Museum.
- A lesson Plan from the National Historical Parks (USA).
- The story of the Liberty Bell from White Chapel Bell Foundry.
- Which brings us to National Treasure one of our all-time favorite movies… A treasure hunt that dashes through the major spots of American History! There is a sequel but we liked the first one best.
- 9 July: Sugar Cookie Day – Here is a list of our cookie recipes.
- 10 July: Teddy Bears Picnic Day.
- 11 July: World Cup Final Day.
- 11 July 1899: E.B. White’s Birthday (1899 – 1995).
- 11 July: SkyLab fell to the Earth.
- 12 July: Barn Day.
- 12 July: Paper Bag Day.
- Paper Bag Owl via the Crafty Crow.
- Maya Made’s Beautiful Paper Bag Toadstools
- Paper Bag Crafts from About.com
- We made these paper bag hats for a hat party – really fun! From Family Fun.
- These faces look fun from Family Fun.
- I love these trees from Family Fun.
- Gotta love these Crafty Houses from Family Fun!
- 13 July: National French Fry Day (U.S.A).
- 13 July: Bon fest and Feast of Lanterns (Japan).
- All things Japan from Crayola.com
- Se7en Crafty Lamps: Most of these lamps work out great for summer evenings out doors… Candles, Lava Lamps, Paper Lanterns, Tin Can Lamps, Paper Box Lamps, Mini Pinata Lamps.
- The Feast of Lanterns and The Legend of the Blue Willow.
That’s us – Stay tuned for more lists!!!
And don’t forget to enter this weeks GiveAway… Really Friday is the last day to enter!!!