A Couple of our readers have asked us how we use our calendar posts for school. These posts began, and have grown, simply because it was interesting to see what events were occurring on a particular day. We don’t celebrate everyday – but we could!!! At the beginning of each month we print out a new calendar. Then we read through the blog post and pick the days that we would like to celebrate. We write those days out onto our calendar and pop the calendar onto the fridge. On the particular date we visit the website and have a look at the links or create some fun to post on our blog, like our recent Shakespeare post on his birthday.

If you would like to now more about how we use our calendar for school as a fabulous resource of famous people and events then do pop over to the Almanac page for an explanation… Meanwhile, we hope you have a joyful June!!!

- The Official Website.
- Enchanted Learning has the most amazing collection of Jubilee Resources ever!!!
- Usborne is as usual a fabulous resource… take a look at their quicklinks for their fabulous royal books.
- Nature Detectives has a page with everything you might need, packed with tons of fun Jubilee printables and resources.
- Great Printables and FlashCards at Instant Display.

- Se7en Make Kelp Horns.
- Se7en visit the Shark Center.
- Underwater Ocean Scenes with Se7en Crafty Ideas…
- Underwater Party in Se7en Steps…
- Shark Attack Craft in Se7en Steps…
- The Official Site: The Ocean Project.
- The Two Oceans Aquarium, Cape Town’s own fabulous aquarium.
- Ocean animal crafts from DLTK
- color pages from A to Z, I love the alphabet pages!
- And then there is Kaboose!!! A party with lots of activities
- A quick search for ocean at Crayola.com – oh! wow!!!

Se7en’s Escher Fun: Pictures, Polygons and Paper Kaleidoscopes…
- A biography for kids from MyHero.com.
- Official website.
- Great printable worksheet.
- More Great Worksheets by Scribd.
- And another bio and day/night by Scribd.
- The mathematical Art of Escher from mathacademy.com.
- Bio from surfnetkids.com.
- Heaps of Escher links.
- Picture Gallery – Symmetry, from MCEscher.org.

- In case you have no idea what this is CD kitchen will let you know!!!
- Just in case you need help celebrating… eHow will tell you how!!!
- Bruce Bogtrotter cake via Se7en.
- Se7en’s really easy Chocolate Pastry Pies.
- Se7en’s Chocolate Fridge Cake.
- Rocky Road Cake in Se7en Steps.
- The Celebrity Chef tries Jamie Oliver’s Chocolate Cake.

- The Official Site and Virtual Gallery of Paintings.
- Biography from the Web Museum in Paris.
- A list of links from the Fact Monster.
- Garden of Praise has great page with printables.
- Fabulous worksheets with color photographs from Ringling Museum.
- A Baroque Worksheet.

- Se7en Do Photography – Camera Fun to have with your kids.
- Printable Pinhole cameras – I always want to make these and never get round to it!
- Camera coloring page.
- How to make a paper camera.
- 13 Lessons to Teach Your Children About Digital Photography from Digital Photography School, such a great article I found it so useful for myself!!!

I love this post!! All these days!! I was just a little disappointed to see that Happy Birthday Song Day misses my birthday by 2 days!! BUT, then smiles, when I saw that my birthday is CAMERA DAY – that is perfect for me!! heehee
Have to smile and smile when I read a post like this, because I simply don’t know how you do it….all the info, the links, the pictures!! I doing a little bow to you in admiration. 🙂
Ha Love and Lollipops!!! Now I know your birthday!!! Lets see if I can remember I happy birthday on the day!!! I started these posts years ago… and they grow and swell each year – very fun to put together… I get quite lost exploring for them!!! Hope you have a fun weekend!!!
I hope you celebrate MC Escher! I have resources galore 🙂
Irene!!! We do!!! We did a fab Escher post last year – such fun!!! Lots of love…
Don’t you always wonder who makes up all these days? Like ball point pen day – who made that up?
I love your calendars! Thanks.
Actually Melissa I do!!! There are so many days that celebrate things like donuts and chocolate – chocolate cake day, chocolate cookie day, chocolate dessert day… the list goes on!!! I do wonder who thinks them up… I am happy to play along!!! Glad you enjoy our calendars and thanks so much for stopping by!!! Hope you are having a fun weekend!!!
LOVE LOVE LOVE your monthly calendar lists!!!! yesterday was CORN ON THE COB day! :):) WE also celebrated Banana Split Days (7-8th) over the weekend. I read somewhere that anyone can submit and make up a holiday. we need to do that!! would that be fun?
Oh Katherine Marie… I have never thought of making our own holiday!!! Oh the mind boggles at all the opportunities!!! Hope you have a fun week!!!