For all our visits to the Two Oceans Aquarium, and there have been a few, we have never actually gone on an actual educational adventure there before. Recently we had the had the chance to join the aquarium for a class…
Class Room Time

A heap of homeschoolers in a classroom, learning a couple of fishy facts and…

They very quickly moved on to learn about fish…

And then a little dissection lesson…

And they really enjoyed this!!!

Followed by a Tour

Almost everyone was intrigued…

So much to look at… and it was fabulous to hear the “behind the scene stories…”

So much to see…

We just love this place for exploring…

Creepy Crawlies…

And shut your eyes if you don’t like snakes…

We have so many of these in our garden… but this one was super active and ours are always really slow and sluggardly…

Maybe because it had just shed its skin…

But my fave are still these guys…

You can see heaps of previous aquarium visits and activities if you follow this link.