A Couple of our readers have asked us how we use our calendar posts for school. These posts began, and have grown, simply because it was interesting to see what events were occurring on a particular day. We don’t celebrate everyday – but we could!!! At the beginning of each month we print out a new calendar. Then we read through the blog post and pick the days that we would like to celebrate. We write those days out onto our calendar and pop the calendar onto the fridge.

- Se7en Make Kelp Horns.
- Se7en visit the Shark Center.
- Underwater Ocean Scenes with Se7en Crafty Ideas…
- Underwater Party in Se7en Steps…
- Shark Attack Craft in Se7en Steps…
- The Official Site: The Ocean Project.
- The Two Oceans Aquarium, Cape Town’s own fabulous aquarium.
- Ocean animal crafts from DLTK
- Color pages from A to Z, I love the alphabet pages!

- Winnie the Pooh is 90 this year, and so is the Queen… and here is the sweetest downloadable book, from Disney Inspired, to go with it!!!
- Enchanted Learning has the most amazing collection of Jubilee Resources ever!!!
- Usborne is as usual a fabulous resource… take a look at their quicklinks for their fabulous royal books.
- Nature Detectives has a page with everything you might need, packed with tons of fun Jubilee printables and resources.
- Great Printables and FlashCards at Instant Display.

- The Official Site and Virtual Gallery of Paintings.
- Biography from the Web Museum in Paris.
- A list of links from the Fact Monster.
- Garden of Praise has great page with printables.

If you would like to now more about how we use our calendar for school as a fabulous resource of famous people and events then do pop over to the Almanac page for an explanation… Meanwhile, we hope you have a joyful June!!!
Hiya lady, father’s day is on the 19th 😉
Also yay for chocolate eclaire day.
Hay Cassey, How are you… Oh yikes: Father’s Day!!! And Chocolate Eclair Day sounds like the best day ever… Hope you have a fantastic week!!!