Homeschool Se7en + 1 Conquer Yuppie Chef’s Cooking Course: Mastering Meat #1 Posted on 17 July 201422 November 2018 by se7en I am all for kids in the kitchen… you have to know that the one skill that I hope my kids will be leaving home…
Recipes Hearty Treats for a Celebration… Posted on 15 February 201416 March 2018 by se7en So Valentines Day was celebrated with glitter and a host of hearty Treats… Chocolate Waffles Where have I been? Just our regular old waffle recipe…
Books Edible Book Fun: The Owl and The Pussy Cat, Harold and the Purple Crayon… Posted on 29 March 201323 November 2018 by se7en When our friends over at Playing by the Book announced their Annual Edible Book Competition… we just knew we had to join in!!! And just…
Recipes Se7en’s Ultimate Pastry Post: The Celebrity Chef Turns Pastry Chef for a Blogpost… Posted on 25 October 201216 March 2018 by se7en We live with a celebrity chef and he cooks and he cooks and he cooks… He gets it into his head to master a skill…
Eat Out Table for Ten – Part 1: Se7en + 1 Food Rules… Posted on 24 October 201224 November 2018 by se7en One of the first questions folk ask about having eight kids is how on earth do we feed them… and another friend who keeps asking…
Recipes Se7en Review the Latest Action Pack: Family Cooking… Posted on 29 June 201229 June 2012 by se7en Action Pack is an ad-free magazine for kids who want to do stuff, and what kid doesn’t!!! It is by kids with the help of…
Recipes Se7en’s Complete Recipe Collection… Posted on 20 August 201120 August 2011 by se7en Quick and Easy Meals Just Loving Lasagne in Se7en Steps from Hood #3. Scarlette Bean’s Minestrone Soup in Se7en Steps. A Return to River Cottage……