Se7en’s Complete Recipe Collection…


Quick and Easy Meals




Diabetic and Allergic Monday Munchies




Gifts and Treats












Celebrity Chef


Cookbook Reviews.

10 Replies to “Se7en’s Complete Recipe Collection…”

  1. Absolutely and Completely AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you from the bottom of my “at a loss about what new and exciting meal to make for dinner tonight” heart!!

  2. Wow, so many good things to explore in this post!

    I especially appreciated the insight on food allergies, specifically nut allergies.

    We have two small friends in our lives that require our special thought and care when food is involved. It feels like our kitchen goes into a no-nut, super-clean lockdown when we are preparing food for them. 😉

    It has helped my daughter to understand the needs of others, and how to be aware of being careful but never treating them oddly based upon something that is out of their control.

    Thank you for sharing some good advice!

  3. Wow! Did you know that you had posted so many recipes? This is a cook book in its own right. Love that your children make so many of these. What a life skill.

  4. Hi Karen M, So glad I could help!!! Hope there are a couple of ideas in there that you will enjoy!!! Lots of love…

  5. Hi Ruby – Who knew!!! If I wasn’t looking I would think this was a food blog… but no, just a regular mom blog with bits and pieces of everyday things. Clearly food is on our mind quite a bit around here!!! Hope you have a fun weekend!!!

  6. April O, I am so glad you enjoyed that!!! I know the stress we cause friends… and how far they go to accommodate us!!! Receiving hospitality when you are a high maintenance guest is quite skill too, so you are just great for offering it!!! I know for us it is fabulous to find a haven where we can visit safely. Hope you guys are having a great weekend!!! We had a moment when we thought spring might spring!!! But it is going to be really cold here tomorrow!!! Have a great week!!!

  7. Hi Cheryl, WHO KNEW!!! I tell you I thought I would do a quick recipe round-up and then I linked and linked and linked… it was endless!!! Who knew we had a recipe book good to go!!! I am so determined that by the time my kids are tend they will be doing the catering, I am hoping it is all in the training!!! Hope you are having a fun weekend!!!

  8. WOW!!!!!!!! Now that is a SERIOUS collection. You are a terrific and creative chef. :):) Might I suggest that you compile the recipes and PHOTOS into a coffee table style book? What a lovely gift to give each child as they leave for college!?

  9. Oh KM, That is a great idea!!! Hood #3 Keeps saying we need to make a recipe book of our favorites for when she leaves home. Not that she has any immediate plans!!! But a coffee table family cook book is a great idea especially since we have cooked so much of it together, so it is packed with memories!!! Hope your ave a great week!!!

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