Would you believe it… this little man that I thought would never ever be born is one!!! The year flew past and he is one!!! He stole my heart. My heart skips a beat, and I feel a gasp every time I see him… and he is one whole year!!! One whole glorious year is past, I wish it hadn’t – it went so fast… and even though I wish it went slower I loved every dashing moment of it!!!
And he loves bananas and panda’s and his bath towel. He loves finger puppets and his Katherine-Marie blankets and bouncy balls. He adores his se7en siblings and his father person… But he has a passion…
Pirates wear stripes!!!
Pirates eat ice-cream cones… to celebrate!!!
Here is a trip down memory lane… from Captain Curious to Captain Cuddles all they way back to Mr. Oblivious… Gotta love him!!! And we can’t wait for another glorious year with him!!!
Here is a Collection of his well-documented life:
- Se7en + 1 is Announced
- Introducing Se7en + 1
- Se7en Hold Se7en + 1
- How Se7en became Se7en + 1, Another Home Birth story
- Se7en + 1 is a Dreamer
- Se7en + 1 is six (weeks)
- Se7en + 1 = Three
- Se7en + 1 = four
- Se7en + 1 = five
- Se7en + 1 = six
- Se7en + 1 = se7en
- Se7en + 1 = ei8ht
- Se7en + 1 = nine
- Se7en + 1 = ten
- Se7en + 1 = eleven
That’s him. Hope you have a great year Captain!!!
Don’t forget today is your last chance to enter our postcard swap… follow the link and sign up if you haven’t already!!!
Happy Birthday Se7en +1. He really does have one of the most adorable baby smiles.
Happy Birthday Little One and Congratulations Mum!
Wow — already?? Happy Birthday Se7en+1!!!
Thanks Cheryl!!! Yup, he really is very good at smiling!!! Have a great day!!!
Thanks for the wishes Olivia, have a fun day!!!
Hi Linda B, Isn’t it amazing how quickly the year whizzed past!!! Have a great weekend!!!
I love the picture where he is looking at his feet — wearing just his diaper! My littlest one (out of 4) just turned two yesterday. I understand how the time flies! Thanks for sharing your lives with us. I have been encouraged in our homeschool journey many times by reading about yours. God Bless!
Hi Hope!!! Those little feet – how many photographs of them I have!!! Thank for the great comment!!! We love blogging and it is fabulous to hear we can be an encouragement!!! Hope you have a great weekend!!!
Happy Birthday!
can you believe it? my little one, too turned one just days ago. unfortunately time flies when you’re having fun :)!
I knew his bday was quickly approaching!!!!!! Happy BIRTHDAY little man. You light up our part of the world with your sweet cheeks and baby blues! xoxoxoxoxo Lots of Love from INDIANA!
Happy Birthday and Congratulations, he is so sweet and seems to be such a smiley li’l guy x
Already?? Man, it feels like yesterday that he arrived. Congratulations to the +1 part of se7en +1
May he continue to give you much joy in the years ahead God’s richest blessings on y’all
Hi Daniela, Congrats on your small person’s birthday. They are so much right now aren’t they!!! Have a great weekend!!!
Hay KM, You knew it was looming!!! Thanks for the birthday wishes for our little kiss monster!!! He is the sweetest… Hope you guys have a fun weekend with all your green slime!!! Lots of love!!!
Hi Shells!!! THanks for the birthday wishes for Captain Cuddles – he is indeed always happy!!! Have a fun weekend!!!
Hay Irene… I know, I know it feels like yesterday… I think kids may warp our time keeping considerably!!! Lots of love!!!
Hay Aunty Muffin, Thanks for the wishes!!! He loves his gift – not to drag around but to sleep with like a soft soft pillow – too cute!!! Have a fun weekend!!!
wow where did that year go ? birthday wishes sent to him all the way from the uk xx
Aaah yes it was the end of the month! A million happy birthday wishes to the Mr Adorable as he reaches this significant milestone!!!! Lots of love from us all.
Hay Jacki!!! Good to hear from you!!! Mr Adorable Thanks you!!! Hope you are all having lots of fun!!! Have a fabulous day!!!
Aah it has been fun sharing him with you over the year-little sweetie towel lover! Happy birthday. Oh yes can also see why you love his feet – those toes are too cute.
Hay Tammy, So good to hear from you!!! Oh you know him so well, I have a feeling he will eventually leave home with a scrap of baby towel in his pocket!!! I hope all of you are well and enjoying our Springshine!!! Lots of love and have a good week!!!
Happy birthday Captain Curious, and congratulations Mother Person for yet another beautiful & happy little kid!!!
Another birthday, another song!!!
Oh Lili – Thanks for such a sweet birthday song!!! I hope you have a lovely, lovely week!!!