Suddenly we have a house full of camera’s and eager photographers so we have set ourselves the task of heading out for some photographic walks. I like the purpose of the walk – to pause and ponder and look for an interesting angle. It means that I won’t be racing after some speedy serious hikers, you know trailing the end of the party with two tired toddlers. A Photographic walk means everyone is going slowly and purposefully and really looking around carefully… So here is our trip to Simonstown last weekend…

Simonstown is a tourist town about two stops down the Peninsula from where we stay.

It is home to the most wonderful old buildings and I could spend months here drawing all these beautiful old buildings. Simonstown is also home to the Boulders Beach Penguins…

We began our walk at the quay, where we sometimes come and draw – it is a great spot, with lots to see!!! And boats of course…

And ropes…

And potential for ropes…

And swirling tides…

Then we wandered into the street art…

And history…

And if you visit Simonstown then you have to say hello to the famous Just Nuisance…

And would you look at the size of this blubber pot – I could do with one of those – the pot, not the blubber!!!

Now it looks like everything is happening at the waterfront level but it is well worth you while to step up some of the pretty flights of stairs leading off the main road…

And I really did say stairs…

Lots of them…

You will find some lovely National Monuments…

And rooftops…

And you can look down on the harbor…

Old stone walls…

And wanderings off the beaten track…

And a birds eye View…

Look at the pretty front gates…

And flowers, even in winter…

And home for tea…

That was fun!!! You look out for more photographic walks from us!!! Have a great week!!!
Lovely photos!
Hay Aunty Muffin – It’s the new thing, photo walks!!! Hope you have a brilliant week!!!
Simonstown has to be one of THE most photogenic places in the whole world. What wonderful photographs you have all taken. Have been meaning to visit Simonstown again for ages. Need to just do it, Especially loved the drifting ‘orphan’ boats, but all these photographs are lovely.
Hay Granny Ant… Wonderful to hear from you!!! Simonstown is a fabulous spot for photography… boats, buildings, people, history… fabulous!!! See you soon!!!
Oh my. I love the story of Just Nuisance. What a dog! I can also see where I am going wrong on the camera side. I need to make sure everyone has a camera and then I might get at least on photo to post! Love seeing your walks. I look forward to the next.
Hay Cheryl, We definitely couldn’t breathe through a day if we had to share my camera there would be mayhem!!! Now if I could just remember to charge the battery or actually put the battery into the camera before dashing out the door!!! But I don’t think that is a photography problem at all!!! Thank you so much for all the lovely comments you leave on our blog, you are a star!!! Have a great great week…
This was a most glorious walk to go on with you! Thank you!
Hi Sherrin, Glad you liked it… we are just plotting and planning where we should go walking this weekend!!! Hope you have a fun one!!!