Se7en’s May and Your Free Printable Calendar…

May is a little late… we’ve been hiking… and reading… and relaxing… as one does when the father person takes a break from work… we will be back into blogging next week… get your boots on and ready for the great outdoors!!!


A Couple of our readers have asked us how we use our calendar posts for school. These posts began, and have grown, simply because it was interesting to see what events were occurring on a particular day. We don’t celebrate everyday – but we could!!! At the beginning of each month we print out a new calendar (click on the image and print it landscape, works better that way). Then we read through the blog post and pick the days that we would like to celebrate. We write those days out onto our calendar and pop the calendar onto the fridge. On the particular date we visit the website and have a look at the links or create some fun to post on our blog, like our recent Shakespeare post on his birthday.

se7en's May

If you would like to now more about how we use our calendar for school as a fabulous resource of famous people and events then do pop over to the Almanac page for an explanation… Meanwhile, we hope you have a marvellous May!!!

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Dozens of Days to Celebrate

1 May 2014: Save the Rhino Day.

2 May 1844: Elijah McCoy Inventor (1844 – 1929).

4 May 1971: GreenPeace launched.

4 May 2014: National Weather Observer’s Day.

4 May 2014: International Firefighter’s Day.

4 May 2014: World Asthma Day.

5 May 2014: Cinco De Mayo

5 May 2014: Children’s Day (Japan).

7 May 1937: Hindenburg Disaster

7 May 1840: Tchaikovsky’s Birthday (1840 – 1893).

7 May 2014: Space Day.

8 May 1884: Harry Truman’s Birthday (1884 – 1972).

8 May 1945: VE Day.

10 May: Clean Up Your Room Day

  • 11 May: Salvador Dali’s Birthday (1909 – 1989).

    11 May: Edward Lear’s Birthday (1812 – 1888).

    12 May 2014: Kite Day.

    12 May 1820: Florence Nightingale’s birthday (1820 – 1910).

    14 May 1847 : Webster’s Dictionary First Published.

    14 May 1804: Lewis and Clarke Began their expedition (1804).

    14 May 1727: Thomas Gainsborough (artist) born, 1727

    15 May 1856: L.F. Baum’s Birthday (1856 – 1919).

    16 May 2014: National Chocolate Chip Day.

    17 May 1874: First Kentucky Derby.

    18 May 2014: International Museum Day.

    18 May 1980: Mt. St. Helens Erupted.

    19 May 2014: Circus Day.

    20 May 1927: Amelia Earheart’s TransAtlantic Flight.

    21 May 1844: Henri Rousseau’s Birthday (1844 – 1910).

    21 May 1927: Lindbergh Flight Day.

    21 May 1799: Mary Anning’s Birthday (1799 – 1847).

    22 May 2012: International Jazz Day

    22 May 1570: First Atlas Published.

    22 May 1844: Mary Cassatt’s Birthday (1844 – 1926).

    23 May 2014: World Turtle Day.

    24 May: The Brooklyn Bridge Opened in 1883.

    24 May 1844: First Morse Code Message Sent.

    25 May 2014 : Missing Children’s Day.

  • 26 May 2014: Blueberry Cheesecake Day.

    26 May 1951: Sally Ride’s Birthday (1951 – ).

    27 May 1907: Rachel Carson’s Birthday (1907 – 1964).

    27 May 1964: Golden Gate Bridge Opened.

    27 May : Masking Tape patented.

    28 May 1959: MonkeyNauts Able and Baker in Space.

  • 28 May 1859: Big Ben arrives in Westminster.

    29 May 1953: Hillary and Tenzing conquer Everest.

    29 May 1917: John F. Kennedy’s Birthday.

  • You can’t beat this list of links from
  • Time for Kids – of course!
  • From Garden of Praise – with links and worksheets.
  • Photo History.
  • Great snippets, puzzles and games from Apples for the Teacher.
  • 4 Replies to “Se7en’s May and Your Free Printable Calendar…”

    1. Someday,someday I am going to get myself together and use some of these days to teach my kids some great general knowledge.

      Oh and do enter my competition

    2. Hay Marcia, The irony of Mother’s Day and Clean-Up Your room day was not totally lost on me, though I have an idea that it may well be lost on more than a few little folk that live with me!!! Hope you have the most fantastic week!!!

    3. Oh Cat… I’ll tell you a secret… just mark a couple of these events on the calendar and your kids will teach themselves!!! Mine all want to know who’s birthday it is and what was special on this day… I often send them to look things up or find out something about the person… Natural curiosity is about the best teacher ever!!! Hope you have the most brilliant week!!!

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