A Couple of our readers have asked us how we use our calendar posts for school. These posts began, and have grown, simply because it was interesting to see what events were occurring on a particular day. We don’t celebrate everyday – but we could!!! At the beginning of each month we print out a new calendar (click on the image and print it landscape, works better that way). Then we read through the blog post and pick the days that we would like to celebrate. We write those days out onto our calendar and pop the calendar onto the fridge. On the particular date we visit the website and have a look at the links or create some fun to post on our blog, like our recent Shakespeare post on his birthday.

If you would like to now more about how we use our calendar for school as a fabulous resource of famous people and events then do pop over to the Almanac page for an explanation… Meanwhile, we hope you have a marvellous May!!!

Dozens of Days to Celebrate

1 May: Save the Rhino Day.
- Se7en+1 Fun Rhino Activities from Se7en.
- Save the Rhino Day from holiday insights…
- Fun stuff for kids in the rhino info section at Save the Rhino.
- Rhino crafts for kids from Artists Helping Children.Org.

2 May 1844: Elijah McCoy Inventor (1844 – 1929).

4 May 1971: GreenPeace launched.
- Se7en+1 Visit GreenPeace and The Rainbow Warrior.
- There is a huge LEGO debate going on over here…
- GreenPeace International.
- GreenPeace Campaigns.

: National Weather Observer’s Day.
- Se7en Make a Weather Station.
- Making a Daily Weather Chart in Se7en Steps.
- Weather Watch from Scholastic.
- Weather Whizzkids – great stuff!!!
- A list of weather Lesson Plans at Discovery Education.
- Weather Lesson Links from The Teachers Guide.

4 May: International Firefighter’s Day.
- Kids Firefighter Blog.
- Firefighter for Kids, National Geographic.
- Volunteer Wild Fire Services Keep a whole lot more than the Cape Vynbos Safe… check out their site, they do fantastic work.

4 May: World Asthma Day.

5 May: Cinco De Mayo
- One Pretty Thing’s Round-up – this year and last year… fun!
- Social Studies for kids tells the story.
- KinderArt has some fun projects as usual.

5 May: Children’s Day (Japan).

7 May 1937: Hindenburg Disaster
- The Hindenburg at Awesome Stories.
- The Hindenburg Disaster at Kids.net.au
- The Hindenburg disaster on HowStuffWorks.

7 May 1840: Tchaikovsky’s Birthday (1840 – 1893).
- Se7en+1 Music Appreciation Resources for Kids… Books, Online and Craftiness…
- Making Music fun is such a great site.
- Classics for kids is fun.

7 May 2014: Space Day.
- Se7en’s Space Spectacular…
- Nasa Space Place for kids.
- Outer SPace Crafts from About.com
- NASA Kids’ Club.

8 May 1884: Harry Truman’s Birthday (1884 – 1972).
- A fun quick site for kids from the Truman Library.
- Biography and coloring book.
- Lesson plans from US history.

8 May 1945: VE Day.
- What is VE Day? From Kids.net.au
- Have a look at a newspaper of the day from Exploring 20th Century London.
- Children of World War II on the History Learning Site.

10 May: Clean Up Your Room Day
- Teaching Kids to Declutter in Se7en Steps.
- Se7en + 1 Steps to Decluttering – Never Again.
- How to Declutter Your Home in Se7en + 1 Steps…
- Se7en + 1 Are Resorting their Weekends with Operation S.O.R.T.

- Se7en Celebrate Salvador Dali
- ArtSmart4kids has a great biography.
- Lesson Plans Galore from the Salvador Dali Museum.
- EHow has some great info and links.

11 May: Edward Lear’s Birthday (1812 – 1888).
- Se7en Do Poetry and Heaps of Resources for Kids.
- Se7en Make Poetry Notebooks.
- And a Jumbly Week That Was…
- Edward Lear from Surfnetkids.com
- Edward Lear homepage.
- Ehow has some great limerick ideas.
- A collection of nice limericks.

12 May: Kite Day.
- We made kites for a Dr. Seuss Party and we got the plans from the Children’s Discovery Museum of San Jose.
- Kite Trivia from kites for kids.
- Flight tips and basics from breeze chasers.
- Professor Kite.
- The virtual Kite Zoo.
- How Does a Kite Fly.
- A nice resource for little people with kites from round the world.

12 May 1820: Florence Nightingale’s birthday (1820 – 1910).

14 May 1847 : Webster’s Dictionary First Published.
- Merriam-Webster’s WordCentral for kids is very cool!!!
- Here’s the Grown up version.
- And who can resist top-online dictionaries for kids from About.com

14 May 1804: Lewis and Clarke Began their expedition (1804).
- This page from PBS is packed with fabulous resources.
- This site has great activities.
- Nice interactive link from National Geographic.

14 May 1727: Thomas Gainsborough (artist) born, 1727
- Garden of Praise has some great links: puzzles, word searches and worksheets.
- Enchanted Learning Coloring Pages: Gainsborough’s “Blue Boy.”
- The Web Museum in Paris has a biography and a collection of his paintings to look at.
- A Wikipedia Biography and gallery of paintings.

15 May 1856: L.F. Baum’s Birthday (1856 – 1919).
- Classroom activities from thewizardofoz.info
- Craft Ideas from DLTK
- Family Crafts has a list of activities.

16 May: National Chocolate Chip Day.

17 May 1874: First Kentucky Derby.
- The Official Kentucky Derby Website.
- Se7en Steps To a Pony Party.
- One Pretty Thing has a collection of crafts.
- Fun Kentucky Derby Printables from Partysupplieshut.com.

18 May: International Museum Day.
- Visitor Information for Cape towns Collection of Museums.
- This is a great spot packed with online museum goodies from museums all over the U.K. – My kids love this site and roam here for hours.
- Create Your Own Museum from Wikihow.
- Create your own art collection form the Tate Modern.

18 May 1980: Mt. St. Helens Erupted.
- Mt. St. Helens National Park.
- The story of Mt. St. Helens with quick Facts.
- The history of Mt. St. Helens.

19 May: Circus Day.
- Se7en’s Circus in a Suitcase… Celebrating Alexander Calder.
- Se7en’s Quick and Easy Circus Party.
- Katherine Marie is having a Clown Week this week…so cool.
- Se7en’s Quick and Easy Circus Party.
- Circus Crafts from Show Mom The Money.
- Classroom resources from Teaching Heart.

20 May 1927: Amelia Earheart’s TransAtlantic Flight.
- Another great biography.
- Great Biography from Garden of Praise followed by worksheets and printables.

21 May 1844: Henri Rousseau’s Birthday (1844 – 1910).

21 May 1927: Lindbergh Flight Day.
- Brilliant Detailed Story coloring book about Charles Lindbergh.
- Everything you need to know about the man from the Official website.

21 May 1799: Mary Anning’s Birthday (1799 – 1847).
- A fuller biography from The DorsetPage.
- More about her from the Natural History Museum.
- Bio from Lucy Learns.

22 May: International Jazz Day
- Classics for Kids has Jazz for kids links.
- Jazz Academy for Young People Online, Learn about the Jazz Greats.

22 May 1570: First Atlas Published.
- Se7en do Geography – Heaps of Resources.
- Wonderful, kid friendly – map links to die for from National Geographic.
- National Geographic World Atlas for kids – fun!!!
- Fact Monster Atlas for kids.
- Se7en’s World wide Map in se7en Steps.
- The Whole Wide World in Se7en Steps.

22 May 1844: Mary Cassatt’s Birthday (1844 – 1926).

23 May: World Turtle Day.
- Five Facts About Turtles for World Turtle Day.
- More fun facts at Science Kids.
- The Two Oceans Aquarium on what to do if you find a turtle and the story of Bob’s rehabilitation.
- A bit about world turtle day from mpes.org

24 May: The Brooklyn Bridge Opened in 1883.
- 42 Explore has a mass of bridge links – everything you can imagine about bridges.
- A great history of the Brooklyn Bridge, with great diagrams, from catskillarchive.com
- Take a virtual walk across Brooklyn Bridge.
- The Brooklyn Bridge Guide from About.com.

24 May 1844: First Morse Code Message Sent.
- Morse Code from Enchanted learning
- Cryptology for kids – This is fun!
- More codes and ciphering to enjoy.
- And everyone needs a morse code translator!

25 May: Missing Children’s Day.
- Around the World.
- In Europe.
- And Madeleine…
- In our South African news today.
- The last book in this post is all called “Protecting the Gift.” Every woman in the world should read this book – really! Go and read our review…
- The Day We Lost A Child for a Couple of Hours… yes, it can happen to anyone.

26 May: Blueberry Cheesecake Day.

26 May 1951: Sally Ride’s Birthday (1951 – ).

27 May 1907: Rachel Carson’s Birthday (1907 – 1964).
- Great Fact Sheet.
- Kid readable bio from Scholastic.
- My Hero – a Quick Bio.
- Rachel Carson Centennial Blog.
- Lesson Plan
- Short biography and lesson plan ideas.

27 May 1964: Golden Gate Bridge Opened.

27 May: Masking Tape patented.
- Se7en’s Essential Parenting Tools.
- IdeaFinder.com – would you believe the history of masking tape.
- The history of Scotch Tape from About.com
28 May 1959: MonkeyNauts Able and Baker in Space.

- Woodlands Junior has London Landmarks, scroll down for Big Ben.
- Big Ben Facts and Figures from LondonNet..
- The Interesting Story of Big Ben from WhiteChapelFoundry.

29 May 1953: Hillary and Tenzing conquer Everest.

29 May 1917: John F. Kennedy’s Birthday.
10th of May. I’ll be pointing that one out to somebody in this house. (Probably should include myself in that) Love your lists. As always.
Hahaha Cheryl, I have big, BIG plan for the tenth and instead of my usual silent war against the stuff, I full intend to rope everyone into it. If these guys can hike to the top of mountains then they can certainly make a huge effort on the tenth!!! Wishing you all the best – “May the Fourth” be with you and all that!!! Have a fabulous week!!!