Se7en’s January With Your Free Printable Calendar and Weather Tree…

We had to emerge from our post-Christmas laze….

se7en-30-Dec-13-se7en's weather tree.jpg
To print: click on the image and it will open in a new tab… print away!!!

For those of you who don’t know our weather tree… we colour the leaves according to the weather… sunny days get green leaves, rainy days get blue leaves. We keep it simple, but of course you can add or subtract whatever you would like too. You can see our coloured weather trees here.


Welcome to 2016 and a fresh year of printable calendars will be rolling out month by month…

se7en - 010116 - 2016001.jpg

To print: click on the image and it will open in a new tab… choose landscape and print away!!!

Click on the calendar image, it will open in a new tab, print it using “landscape” and then colour it and fill in the days that you want to celebrate… pop it on the fridge and you are good to go. You can still find all the calendar pages down the right hand side of our website and they are all gathered together in our Almanac page for easy searching… If you have holidays or ideas that you would like to add then please go ahead and comment, I would love to have our calendars packed to the brim!!!

5 Replies to “Se7en’s January With Your Free Printable Calendar and Weather Tree…”

  1. Hi.
    I am a teacher in a mainstream school and I admire what you are doing. My nephew has been experiencing difficulties in his school and his mother is interested in homeschooling him.

    He is 13 and is going into grade 7.

    I just have a few questions if I may.

    1) Is it necessary to register him with any organisation or with the department of Education?

    2) What subjects are compulsory at this level? Is it necessary for him to learn history, geography, science etc. ? Or can he just cover the essentials like English, Maths and Afrikaans? He is interested in Woodwork and would do that as an extra.

    The reason I ask this is because he has difficulty keeping up with the current school curriculum and it is felt that he would benefit more from focusing on the essentials.

    Your input would be appreciated.


  2. Hi Natasha, we are just getting back into our year after taking a little break and I really wanted to help you with your question: Firstly there are a number of places that you can get help from folk in a similar situation as yours, this post has a link to resources in the Western Cape, particularly in the comments. And for anyone thinking about homeschooling in South Africa, I cannot recommend Shirley Erwee’s recently released books enough. All the best.

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