So October has crept up on us…

Click on the calendar page, it will open in a new tab, print it out and then colour it and fill in the days that you want to celebrate… pop it on the fridge and you are good to go.
Se7en’s October
1 October: Homemade Cookies Day
- Se7en + 1 Celebrate Sugar Cookie Day… Lemon and Double Chocolate Expresso Cookies for the Win…
- Se7en Cookies from Basic Cookie Dough.
- A Mothers Almanac – se7en of the Best Cookie Recipes…
1 October 1908: Henry Ford Introduced the Model T
- Quick facts and printables on Kidsconnect…
- Henry Ford lesson plans from Study.com
- Se7en All-Terrain Vehicles in a Matchbox.
1 October 1924: Jimmy’s Carter Birthday (1924-)
2 October 1950: Peanuts First Published
- The Official Website.
- The Charles M. Schultz Museum.
- Daily Peanuts comic… from comics.com
- Everything you need to know about Peanuts from Wikipedia.
2 October 1869: Mahatma Gandhi’s Birthday (1869 – 1948)
3 October 1906: SOS Established
- All about the history of S.O.S from boatsafe.com.
- Morse Code Messaging with Torches from Education.com
- Cryptology for kids – Great site, great links – from cerias.purdue.edu
3 October 1189: Richard I (The Lionheart) crowned King of England in Westminster Abbey
3 October 1916: James Herriot’s Birthday (1916 – 1995)
4 October: Child Health Day
7 October: National Poetry Daythis day moved to September 28 this year, but it is too good to miss!!!)
- Have a look at Poetry Reading Day in this post.
- We have been listening to the Daily Poem podcast lately… 300 episodes of this podcasts, so plenty of poems to choose from.
- Se7en do Poetry, Packed with Poetry Resources for Kids
- Se7en Make Poetry Notebooks.
- National Poetry Day – Official Site.
- Great Lesson Plans from the Poetry Society.
7 October 1885: Niels Bohrs Birthday (1885 – 1962)
8 October 1871: Great Fire of Chicago
9 October: First Two Way Telephone Conversation
- Check out the Waymark from Waymarking.com
- Why have we never made tin can telephones? From Kidscraftzone.
- Why have we never made match box telephones? Gotta try this!!! From HowStuffWorks.
9 October: Leif Erikson Day
9 October: Mouldy Cheese Day
9 October: World Post Day
11 October 1884: Eleanor Roosevelt (1884 – 1962)
11 October 1880: Boer War Began
12 October: Columbus Day
- Columbus fun from Enchanted Learning
- A whole lot of links from Social Studies for Kids.
- In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue. All the words at TeachingHeart.
12 October: National Fossil Day
14 October 1066: Battle of Hastings
15 October: National Grouch Day
16 October: World Food Day
- The Hungry Season, Feeding South Africa’s Cities – A Review…
- Monday Munchies from Se7en.
- Our Celebrity Chef’s Recipes.
16 October: World Dictionary Day
- Merriam Webster’s Word Central for kids.
- Everything you need to know on this brilliant squid page, just keep scrolling down.
- Se7en of the Best Word Games.
19 October 1879: Thomas Edison Demonstrated the Electric Light Bulb
- I like all the links here from sciencenetlinks.
- Edison has his own page!
- The inventions of Thomas Edison from About.com
- Heap of Edison Links on 6 October Calendar page.
21 October: Apple Day
- The Celebrity Chef Makes Apple Pie in Se7en Steps.
- Se7en Million Muffins – There are apple muffins in there.
- Se7en Make Toffee Apples.
- The Celebrity Chef Makes Apple Crumble in Se7en Steps…
21 October 1959: Guggenheim Museum Opened
23 October 1940: Pele’s Birthday (1940 – )
23 October: Mother in Laws Day
24 October 2009: United Nations Day
25 October 1881: Pablo Picasso’s Birthday (1881 – 1973)
- Se7en + 1 Meet Up With Pablo Picasso: Pizza, Portraits and People…
- Picasso trivia – really click through, from Neatorama.
26 October 1836: International Red Cross Organised in Switzerland
27 October: International School Library Day
- Se7en Start a Book Nook.
- Saturday Spot: The Book Nook part Revisited, this is our school Library.
- Se7en of the best Book Sites for Kids.
- Saturday Spot: The Book Zone.
27 October 1848: Theodore Roosevelt’s Birthday (1858 – 1919)
28 October 1886: Statue of Liberty Dedicated
30 October 1735: John Adam’s Birthday (1735 – 1826)
31 October 1941: Mt. Rushmore completed
31 October: Halloween