- 1 January 1735: Paul Revere’s Birthday (1735 – 1818).
- The Poem: Paul Revere’s Ride from Paul Revere House.
- Paul Revere from Liberty’s Kids.
- Biography from biography.com.
- Heaps to look at at Paul Revere’s House (Heaps of good stuff in the Kids Section).
- Heaps of Links from About.com
- This is Fun!!! from EarlyAmerica.com
- Great time stamped map from the American Revolution.
- 1 January 1752: Betsy Ross’s Birthday (1752 – 1836).
- 3 January 1892: J.R.R. Tolkein (1892 – 1973)
- 3 January 2011: Perihelion Day.
- 4 January 1643: Isaac Newton (1643 – 1727).
- 4 January 1785: Jacob Grimm (1785 – 1863).
- 4 January 1809: Louis Braille (1809 – 1852).
- 4 January 2010: National Trivia Day (U.S.A)
- 5 January 1896: X-ray Discovered (1896).
- 6 January 2011: Dia De Reyes / Epiphany / Three Kings Day.
- Kings Day Crown Cake: We used our regular pizza dough and added a cup of castor sugar to the flour. When the dough was ready we rolled out in the shape of a large donut and left it to rise. Once it had risen we baked it on the oven at 180 degrres Celsius until a skewer came out of it clean. Once it had cooled we drizzled a paste of icing sugar and water over it and topped the icing with candies that looked like crown jewels. Quick, easy and done!!!
- Epiphany around the world from Annie’s Home Page.
- What is Three Kings Day from Inside-Mexico.
- Crayola Crafts.
- Epiphany resources from Kings Kids Stuff.
- 6 January 1854: Sherlock Holmes Birthday (1854).
- 6 January 1412: Joan of Arc (1412 – 1431)
- 8 January 2011: National Bubble Bath Day
- 8 January 1935: Elvis Presley (1935 – 1977)
- 8 January 1942: Stephen Hawkins (1942)
- 9 January 1913: Nixon’s Birthday (1913 – 1994 )
- 11 January 2010: Coming of Age Day in Japan.
- 11 January 2010: First Diabetic Treated with Insulin.
- 12 January 1737: John Hancock (1737 – 1793).
- 13 January 2010: Poetry Break Day.
- 13 January 1935: Amelia Earhart Flew solo across the Pacific.
- 14 January 2010: Clean Off Your Desk Day.
- 15 January 1967: First Super Bowl (1967)
- 15 January 2010: Hat Day (in the U.S.A.)
- 15 January 1929: Martin Luther King Jr birthday (1929 – 1968).
- 16 January 2010: National Nothing Day in the U.S.A.
- Say
- no
- more..
- 16 January 1932: Dian Fossey (1932 – 1985).
- 17 January 1706: Benjamin Franklin’s Birthday (1706 – 1790).
- 18 January 1910: Scott reaches the South Pole (1910)
- 18 January 2010: Thesaurus Day (U.S.A.)
- 18 January 1882: A.A. Milne’s Birthday (1882 – 1956).
- 19 January 1839: Paul Cezanne’s Birthday (1839 – 1906).
- 20 January 1930: Edwin (Buzz) Aldrin’s Birthday (1930)
- 20 January 2010: National Cheese Day (U.S.A)
- Se7en Discover Cheese in the River Cottage Cook Book.
- Easy Baked Cheese Cake in Se7en Steps…
- Kiddable Cheese Cake in Se7en Steps…
- Se7en revisit the Baby Goats…
- The history of Cheese from History for Kids.
- A Taste for Cheese from Science News for Kids.
- Celebrity Chef: Cheesy Bites in Se7en Steps…
- Se7en Make Pizza.
- 20 January 2010: Penguin Appreciation Day.
- 23 January 2010: National Hand Writing Day (U.S.A.)
- 24 January 2010: National Eskimo Pie Day (U.S.A.).
- 25 January 1759: Robert Burns Birthday (1759-1796).
- 25 January 1924: First Winter Olympics (1924)
- 26 January 2010: Australia Day.
- 27 January 1756: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756 – 1791)
- 27 January 1832: Lewis Carrol’s birthday (1832 – 1898).
- 27 January 2010: Holocaust Memorial Day.
- 27 January 2010: Chocolate Cake Day.
- 28 January 1912: Jackson Pollock (1912 – 1956).
- 29 January 2010: Puzzle Day.
- 30 January 1882: Theodore Roosevelt (1882 – 1945).
- 31 January 2010: Backwards Day.
- 31 January 1919: Jackie Robinson (1919 – 1972).
- 31 January 1797: Franz Schubert (1797 – 1828).

And if you are looking for more then here is a list of calendars to browse:
Scholastic’s Calendar.
Kinder Art’s Calendar.
About.com’s Calendar.
Enchanted Learning.
Teacher Vision.
Love your calendars! Especially taken by the penguin appreciation day and eskimo pie day. I’m finding winter themes very appealing at the moment!
Hay Cheryl!!! Winter… furthest from my thoughts!!! We are totally sizzling!!! Most of the tourists have gone home so of course the wind stopped blowing and now we are finally having summer… sizzling I tell you!!! HAve a lovely cold day!!!
That is an amazing schedule…I am impressed you have it all written down! Maybe one of these days, I will be that organized!
I love your earlier post about reading the scriptures! I really feel the difference if we miss a day! =)
Hi Sherri, I have been gathering calendar posts for quite a while now… I used to do them week by week but I am trying to do them month by month and generate a calendar resource packed with interesting links and fun that we can use for school. I hope you all have a fun weekend!!!