Welcome to 2018 and a fresh year of printable calendars will be rolling out month by month…

Click on the calendar image, it will open in a new tab, print it using “landscape” and then colour it and fill in the days that you want to celebrate… pop it on the fridge and you are good to go. You can still find all the calendar pages down the right hand side of our website and they are all gathered together in our Almanac page for easy searching… If you have holidays or ideas that you would like to add then please go ahead and comment, we would love to have our calendars packed to the brim!!!

Se7en’s January
- 1 January 1735: Paul Revere’s Birthday (1735 – 1818).
- 1 January 1752: Betsy Ross’s Birthday (1752 – 1836).
- 2 January: Cape Town Minstrel Carnival .
- 3 January 1892: J.R.R. Tolkein (1892 – 1973)
- 4 January : Perihelion Day.
- 4 January 1643: Isaac Newton (1643 – 1727).
- 4 January 1785: Jacob Grimm (1785 – 1863).
- 4 January 1809: Louis Braille (1809 – 1852).
- 4 January : National Trivia Day (U.S.A)
- 5 January 1896: X-ray Discovered (1896).
- 6 January : Dia De Reyes / Epiphany / Three Kings Day.
- Kings Day Crown Cake: We used our regular pizza dough and added a cup of castor sugar to the flour. When the dough was ready we rolled out in the shape of a large donut and left it to rise. Once it had risen we baked it on the oven at 180 degrees Celsius until a skewer came out of it clean. Once it had cooled we drizzled a paste of icing sugar and water over it and topped the icing with candies that looked like crown jewels. Quick, easy and done!!!
- Epiphany around the world from Annie’s Home Page.
- What is Three Kings Day from Inside-Mexico.
- 6 January 1854: Sherlock Holmes Birthday (1854).
- 6 January 1412: Joan of Arc (1412 – 1431)
- 8 January : National Bubble Bath Day
- 8 January 1935: Elvis Presley (1935 – 1977)
- 8 January 1942: Stephen Hawkins (1942)
- 9 January 1913: Nixon’s Birthday (1913 – 1994 )
- 9 January: Coming of Age Day in Japan.
- 9 January: Clean Off Your Desk Day.
- 11 January 1922: First Diabetic Treated with Insulin.
- Spotting a Diabetic in trouble from Bits and Books.
- History of Insulin from How Stuff Works.
- All about insulin from diabetic lifestyle.com.
- Se7en Lunch Box Ideas for a Diabetic Husband.
- Se7en Tips About Low G.I. Diets…
- Se7en Million Marvelous Muffins – A Low G.I. Recipe…
- The Se7en C’s of Living With a Diabetic…
- 12 January 1737: John Hancock (1737 – 1793).
- 13 January 1935: Amelia Earhart Flew solo across the Pacific.
- 15 January: Hat Day (in the U.S.A.)
- 15 January 1929: Martin Luther King Jr birthday (1929 – 1968).
- 16 January: National Nothing Day in the U.S.A.
- Say
- no
- more..
- 16 January : Poetry Break Day.
- 16 January 1932: Dian Fossey (1932 – 1985).
- 17 January 1706: Benjamin Franklin’s Birthday (1706 – 1790).
- 18 January 1910: Scott reaches the South Pole (1910)
- 18 January: Thesaurus Day (U.S.A.)
- 18 January 1882: A.A. Milne’s Birthday (1882 – 1956).
- 19 January 1839: Paul Cezanne’s Birthday (1839 – 1906).
- 20 January 1930: Edwin (Buzz) Aldrin’s Birthday (1930)
- 20 January: National Cheese Day (U.S.A)
- 20 January: Penguin Appreciation Day.
- 23 January: Chinese New Year
- 23 January: National Hand Writing Day (U.S.A.)
- 25 January 1759: Robert Burns Birthday (1759-1796).
- 25 January 1924: First Winter Olympics (1924) And this year’s Winter Olympics will from the 9-25 February…
- 26 January: Australia Day.
- 27 January 1756: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756 – 1791)
- 27 January 1832: Lewis Carroll’s birthday (1832 – 1898).
- 27 January: Holocaust Memorial Day.
- 27 January: Chocolate Cake Day.
- 28 January 1912: Jackson Pollock (1912 – 1956).
- 29 January: Puzzle Day.
- 30 January 1882: Theodore Roosevelt (1882 – 1945).
- 31 January: Backwards Day.
- 31 January 1919: Jackie Robinson (1919 – 1972).
- 31 January 1797: Franz Schubert (1797 – 1828).
I’m going to get through all your months… I just love them!!!! Makes me feel like everyday is reason for a PARTY!!!!!!!
Hay Katherine Marie… So thrilled you enjoy our calendar pages – I must start thinking about new things for May, can you believe how the year is just flying!!! Hope you have a great day!!!
I have a possible addition for you. Jan 28 1958 is the birthdate of the Lego brick- not the company, just the bricks!
Thanks Rikki, I must add that one, you are so right!!! Have a good week!!!