I am planning to blog our way through the 13 Peaks Challenge, a Challenge that I have been dreaming of doing for years… After our first hike on the 13 Peaks Challenge, from Signal Hill to Lion’s Head, we decided to hunt down the easiest peak on the route and conquer that one next. We needed a confidence boost and we needed to get our hiking mojo back… so Muizenberg Peak was chosen and I have to say, it was a great choice.

If you are looking for a family friendly hike then this is the one. It is an easy 5km walk up towards the peak, a really easy little scramble to the top, a great spot with a view for breakfast, followed bye a slow 5 km jog back down again… very pleasant, especially if you get there early, before the sun hits the western side of the mountain that you walk up.
Getting Going…

By the time we go round to our second hike of the challenge we were doing much better, we got up and out as soon as the lockdown curfeew would allow us to be out the door. Our backpacks were filled with with water, and we planned to have breakfast at our destination… so the intention was to get the harder part of the hike done, before we got to the top of the peak.

Startng at the Silvermine Entrance/Car Park on the Muizneberg side of Ou Kaapse Weg, It is a steady walk up a long hill, the length of a parkrun really… there is lots to look at, the path is easy and slow and steady is the way to go. Once you get to the top of the wandering hill, and yes you do pass the waterfall on your right and you do pass a beautiful pool, keep on going… until the path levels out amongst the reedy restios.

At this stage you head off the gravel track road and follow the path towards Muizenberg.

Jut before the path starts to head down towards Muizenberg village, you head up a smaller path towards Muizenberg Peak. It is a short, approximately 100m well marked scramble to the top.

Plenty of time to stop and admire the wildlife…

It really is a very short, sharp up…

And then you are there…

Views for miles and miles…

The perfect spot to stop and have breakfast…

Somehow this team of 13 Peakers are very food motivated and muffins and hot chocolate were the order of the day.

We Took Our Time Admiring the Wildflowers

Followed by some Easy Running Downhill, All the Way Home…

This has to be one of Cape Town’s easiest, most picturesque trail runs defintiley we will be back for this one… a nice Saturday morning 10km run, with breakfast at the peak. This one is going on our to be repeated again and again list.

And of course… Our Balega Socks… getting us home safely…

Click on the Photo to see more Pictures from this Hike.

What an achievement, and memory created 🙂
Oh Erin, this is the hardest thing we have ever done… we are loving it completely… and of course I am a little behind in posting the stories… but will keep them rolling out and hopefully will have the whole series posted by the time we finish all thirteen peaks. In the meantime, this will be an unforgettable summer, not only because our beaches were closed, but because we hiked and hiked!!! Hope you all have a great weekend!!!
You need to tag the peaks in sequence.
Hi, the peaks have a set sequence. Muzzies is 10th.
Hi J(?) and Ryan, I blogged the order as we did it… we went back and did it in order, between Chapman’s Peak and our family river walk, because we didn’t want to miss the badge and get the ordering wrong. I just didn’t want to blog it again. In fact Muizenberg Peak is one of our regular training peaks now, it’s a nice little 10km round trip. All the best.