- Absolutely everything to love on LMNOP this week… Toys and Books…
- You have to read: ManLand: What I’ve Learned as the husband of a blogger!!! The father person loved this post, so true… never just take a bite of a meal when you live with a blogger… never ever…
- Meet Me At Mikes tweeted about Mokkasin this week… there is no one post – head straight over there for heaps of design loveliness!!!
- Katherine Marie’s glorious cow crafts… glorious cuteness!!!
- Would you trust an Invisible Bike Helmet… Hood #3 loved this video, girls doing science – I’m all for it!!!
- Totally brilliant: Parenting 001: by Kevin Deyoung on the Gospel Coalition.
- And from the Problogger… I learnt I am the ultimate second customer… I love to tweet or blog about things I love – Oh dear, this is a good thing and a bad thing…
- The Simplify Fall Challenge a declutter in a week… After spending ages in “the slow and steady,” a well disciplined project a week, area by are throughout our home… The sun came out for half a day and Spring came to mind… I thought I should tidy out our school supplies: It all began with clearing a surface, then I emptied a drawer for all that clutter, so I moved some books off the bookshelf to make place for the books that were in the drawer and before I knew it I had unpacked the entire house. All of it. Every book off every shelf, every art material, every drawer tossed and emptied. It was simply amazing how quickly it happened… I so relate to my champion player who unpacks everything he owns on a daily basis: just a little lego, and a couple of cars, a reading break… and before you know it… So between house guests, and some insane unpacking and of course furniture rearranging our house is looking like a home again… but I may need to commit to some sort of challenge because a house can only take so much and those last bits would surely help!!!
And the se7en + 1th thing…

Otherwise our month of Celebrity Posts dashed past so fast!!! The posts just kept on rolling in and there were some simply brilliant posts in this series… there is a reason that these are our favorite bloggers!!!
- Lori From Camp Creek Blog: Se7en + 1 Quotes About Learning…
- Long Miles Coffee Project: Se7en Links That Inspire…
- Kate from Picklebums: Se7en + 1 Things I Love About My Life Right Now.
- Caroline Collie – With Love From Here: Se7en + 1 HomeMade Favorites…
- Maggy from Red Ted Art: Se7en + 1 Things I would Like to Teach My Children.
- The Crafty Crow: Se7en + 1 Wonderful Quotes That Inspire Me As A Mother and As a Creative Person.
- Alisa Burke: Se7en + 1 Ways to Get Creative Right Now.
- Katherine Marie: Se7en + 1 Holiday Traditions I am Crazy About…
- Matt Allison’s from Curate this Space’s Eclectic list of Se7en + 1…
- Love And Lollipops: Se7en + 1 Favorite Ideas for Indoor Fun.
- Jojoebi Design’s: Se7en + 1 Ideas for Imaginative Play…
- Mandi Ehman of Life Your Way: Se7en + 1 Ways to Invest in Your Marriage in the midst of Raising Four Little Ones.
- Becoming You: Se7en + 1 Things Blogging has Taught Me.
- Time to Craft: Se7en + 1 Favorite Ways to Increase Our Appreciation of Nature.
- The Domestique Goddess: Se7en + 1 Things We’ve Enjoyed Making in 2012.
- Sesame Ellis by Rachel Devine: Se7en + 1 Carry-on Suitcase Must Haves.
- Kathreen From Whip Up: Se7en + 1 Things to Do with her Older Kids.
- Annabel Candy from Get in the Hot Spot: Se7en + 1 Ways to Embarrass Your Kids.
- The Organizing Queen: Se7en + 1 Organizing Tools.
- Playing by the Book: Se7en + 1 Brilliant Children’s Book Blogs.
That’s us… Hope you have a fun weekend!!!
So many posts… so little time!!! I want to see them ALL!!!! THANK you for your roundups! THANK you for your inspiration!
Ps I loved your picnic IG photo today! I was smiling thinking of you all outside for a lovely little picnic in the cool sunshine. xoxoxox
Hay Katherine-Marie… We so enjoyed a day of sunshine… it didn’t last and we are back in the dripping rain!!! There are one or two buds of spring on the peach tree… but snow on the mountain tops… it has been a cold wet winter!!! Hope you r little one enjoys her first days of school… how did she get so big so fast!!!