I cannot believe February arrived so quickly this year… but here it is!!!

There are many days that you might choose to look at in the blog post below. I always include links to crafts and recipes, activities and fun facts as well. Let’s be honest, if you are planning to use the calendar as part of your homeschool journey, then it really helps if someone has done some of the work before you.

It is not too late to start a weather tree for the year, we are only just getting back into our rhythm and routine ourselves. You can also find our weather tree for sale in our store.
February 2022
- We are half way through the series on Audible, read by Cherry Jones… it is loveliness personified!!!
- I totally love this site and use it every time my kids read a Little House book for school… Love the Family tree.
- A Little House Virtual Field Trip.

- World Book Giving Day Website.
- Se7en’s Readers Have Raised Another Library Book by Book…
- World Book Giving Day on Se7en.
- A Primary School Library in Manenberg.
- And a Community library in Eerste River.
- A Township School in Stanford.
- A rural village school in Lesotho.
- This is the second year we have been a part of Red Ted Art’s #31Days of Love Crafty Collection…
- Se7en’s Crafty Hearts and Round-Up
- Se7en do Se7en Valentines.
- A Valentine’s Party in Se7en Steps.
- Sunday Snippet: Se7en Valentine Bible Games.

- How to have a Chilli Party in Se7en Steps… including creating Chilli Poppers and Felt Tacos.
- Making Chilli Poppers…
- Leap Year Traditions and Facts on Time and Date.com
- And there is of course: LeapYearDay.com!
- Infoplease explains the How and the Why of Leap Years.